Chapter 23

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"Does she look like you?" Rachel asked as she played with Emily's hair. The brunette smiled, she loved how affectionate Rachel had become. The week of her grounding had served her well. Hotch had told them what had happened with his and Rachel's conversation and they were a little worried. Rachel had never expressed that fear to either of them and it was lingering in the back of their minds constantly now.

"Umm...kind of." Emily answered.

"And she's got lots of money?"


"And she's an important lady?"

"She's an Ambassador."

"That sounds boring." Rachel said as she tried to braid a little of Emily's hair.

Emily chuckled as JJ walked down the stairs. "It is." She whispered. "But don't tell her that when you meet her."

Elizabeth had called twice since Emily ran into her on the case in New York. Emily had spoken with her at length about Rachel and everything that had happened with her. Their conversations had grown from civil to semi normal. They had finally arranged for Rachel to meet her. Emily was nervous about it, her mother made her crazy and with everything that had been going on with Rachel recently, she wasn't sure if it was the best idea right now. JJ had figured that they might as well get it over with, since they doubted it would go all that well anyway.

"Okay ladies, we're going to be late if we don't leave right now. The Ambassador is not fond of lateness." JJ said as she snatched her keys.

"Does she have a really big house?" Rachel asked.

"She has several." Emily said while rolling her eyes and lifting Rachel off her lap. Giving her a little swat on the bottom she smirked at her wife as Rachel ran over to the coat room. JJ smacked her while Rachel's attention was elsewhere. "What?" Emily whispered to the blonde. "Its true!"

"If you be nice, hopefully your mother will be nice and Rachel won't freak out, so smile and don't be sarcastic. Rachel picks up on it and a sarcastic seven year old is not going to make our lives any fun."

"You worry too much." Emily said as she stood and dodged JJ's second smack.

The drive to the Ambassador's home was full of nervous energy. Emily was driving and taking every opportunity where she looked in the rear view mirror to glance at Rachel. The seven year old was kicking her legs wildly back and forth and clicking her tongue. "Emily?" She asked after about twenty minutes of driving.

"Yes Rach?" She asked with a smile.

"I have to go to the bathroom." Rachel said into her hands.

JJ pinched the bridge of her nose. "Sweetie, we told you to go before we left." She said with a sigh.

"I didn't have to go then!" Rachel insisted.

"Reid's place is right up here, we can stop in and she can go there." Emily said as she took JJ's hand down from her face and held it. "We'll only be two minutes late." Emily said to the blonde. She pulled into Reid's garage and Rachel all but leapt out of the car and ran to the elevator, continually pressing the buzzer.

"Spence!" She yelled into the intercom. "Let me in NOW!"

Emily laughed and caught up to her. "Reid, can you let us in so Rach can use the bathroom?" She asked.

"Sure, hang on I'll be right down." Reid answered, sounding rather amused.

Rachel crossed her legs, hopped up and down and whimpered while she waited. It was hard not to laugh. Reid came down and let them in with a smile. Rachel didn't even greet him as she ran past him, up the stairs and to the bathroom. "Thanks Reid." Emily said. "We're going to visit my mother, we're kind of late." She explained.

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