Chapter 2 - Finding the Right Chord

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Beth landed in London nine hours later, jet lagged and irritable. After wading through customs and baggage claim, she was more than ready to meet Genevieve and go home. But when she walked outside, she saw no sign of her, instead a young guy with blue hair held a sign with her name. She walked up to him and said, "I'm Elizabeth Littlestar."

The guy grinned and grabbed her hand pumping it up and down, "Hey! Great, I'm Felix! Follow me, I've got the Jag today." He turned on his heel and walked toward the waiting vehicle. Once at the car he opened the driver's door and got behind the wheel and started texting, leaving Beth at the curb with her bags. She walked over and knocked on his window. When he rolled it down she asked, "Can we put my bags in the boot?"

Felix barked a laugh and said, "Oh right! Sorry, my bad," and he popped the trunk, not bothering to get out and help her. Beth stared at him dumbfounded for a second before walking back and putting her bags in the trunk. She walked to the passenger side and found he locked the door. Rolling her eyes, she pounded on the window startling him. Looking up from his phone, he rolled his window down again and said, "What?"

Beth was losing patience with him, "Unlock the damn door!"

Once settled, Beth turned her phone on. It immediately started vibrating with missed calls and texts. Beth deleted all the texts from Derrick, and listened to Dr. Franklin's angry voicemails. He told her that the McAllisters were being investigated for insurance fraud and that he had already been questioned. He threatened he'd ruin her career since he knew she was the one who called the insurance investigator.

She closed her eyes and leaned her head back when Felix said, "Hey, check out this playlist I made for all the hot birds at the clubs, I'm a DJ on the weekends!"

Without opening her eyes Beth replied, "No thanks." She did not want to engage him.

"That's cool. You're from America right? I'm awesome with accents. Ya know, I'm not actually a limo driver." He continued, "I'm actually clerking in Mrs. Njoku's Law Firm." he glanced over to see her reaction, "Yeah, I'm pretty important, her right-hand man actually. She calls me for all the important jobs." he said, with an arrogant smile.

Beth rolled her eyes, "Oh! You're in law school? Where do you go?"

Felix squirmed, and said, "Well...I'm..."

Beth cut him off, "You must be really smart to be in law school, clerking and you're the owner's right hand man. And, you still have time for DJ'ing at clubs! You must be....a lying asshole. I'm not impressed, just drive the car."

Felix glared at her, "Fine! I'm not exactly in law school, like I'm an office clerk but, it's the same thing!"

He glowered at her until Beth cried "Watch out!" as he ran the car onto the sidewalk. Felix slammed on the brakes causing Beth to catch herself on the dashboard. Felix shouted at her, "Fuck! You shouldn't have distracted me!" He put the car in reverse nearly backing into a bus who blared his horn at them.

Beth shouted, "Jesus! Maybe you should just stop talking and drive." She hated being rude, but he was being an arrogant jerk.

Felix huffed a breath and said, "Whatever."

Over an hour later he pulled up in front of the Njoku's house and slammed the car into park, throwing Beth forward in the seat. He left Beth in the car and cursed as he walked to the back to get her bags. Beth walked back, pushed him out of her way and grabbed her bags and backpack. She heard him mutter "Good riddance, fat cow."

Beth raised her eyebrows at the insult and left him at the car. At the door, she raised her hand, but before she even knocked, the door was thrown open. Genevieve squealed and pulled her into a bone breaking hug. "Can't. Breathe," Beth gasped.

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