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Evie changed into her outfit for the day (at the top.) getting out of the "biker outfit" that the girls had put her in.

She is now sitting at a table with Seacat, Rascal and Giggles. "Hey, guys. Can I talk to you for a second?" Evie asks. "Yeah." Seacat says, and Giggles nods, then hits Rascal who was not paying attention but now is.

"I need to tell you something." Evie sighs. "What is it?" Giggles asks getting worried.

"Okay.. Well. I'm just gonna say it. I like Butchy, and I think he likes me back." Evie blurts.

"Wait! Like leader of the rodents, Butchy?" Seacat asks.

"No some other Butchy- yes that Butchy." Evelyn answers sarcastically.

"But- he's a biker and you're a surfer!" Rascal notices.

"Yeah, you're insane Ev." Seacat says.

"I am not insane! I really like him. And I shouldn't have to hide my feelings because of this feud between the bikers and surfers that I don't even agree with!" Evie says, getting mad.

"She's right. She can choose who she wants to like. We can't choose for her Seacat." Giggles agrees. "Thank you!" Evie says.
"Everyone! Listen!" Tanner shouts, and everyone goes silent.

"Les Camembert wants to destroy us!" Lela shouts. Evie gets a confused look on her face.

"He built a weather-" Tanner throws the flower crown he had in his hand. "A weather machine that will stop the tide!" Tanner finishes.

"And rust all of our bikes! Just to get rid of us!" Lela adds. Evie continues with her confused face, and looks at Seacat.

"Plus, he has Mack and Brady held captive in a secret location!" Lela shouts. "We don't know where it is because.. it's a secret!" Tanner and Lela yell at the same time.

"Oh Lordy!" Big Momma throws her hands in the air. (I love her sm)

"We need your help!" Lela shouts. "Us or them?" Butchy asks standing up.

The surfers and bikers begin to argue about who she meant, but Evie approaches a table near the corner of the room.

"Hey!" She shouts, then steps on the table. Everyone goes silent and looks over at her.

"She means all of us! Not just surfers or bikers! ALL of us! This stupid feud has gotten us absolutely no where except for our friends Mack and Brady getting kidnapped!" Evie shouts.

"She's right. Our only hope is to work together, free our friends and destroy that weather machine before it destroys our world!" Tanner shouts. Evie hops off the table, and makes her way over to Tanner and Lela.

"Well why should we do anything with them?" Lugnut asks. "Together we can help each other!" Evie shouts, hopping on the stage next to Tanner and Lela.

"Well why should we listen to you?" Lugnut shouts. "Well, for all you nosy people.." Evie starts.

"I never thought I'd have anything in common with a biker. But.. that's until I fell in love with one. And to make it even better, that certain biker happened to be the leader of the bikers." Evie says.

Everyone then looks over at Butchy, and he nods his head in agreement.

✓ BIKER BOY,  butchy.Where stories live. Discover now