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Evie's POV:

The bikers continue singing, and Butchy kept looking over at me with a smug smile while he was singing, which is super annoying.

Butchy and the blonde dude then starts to play the guitar, then once again, Butchy looks over and smirks at me. I roll my eyes in response, and smile.

I normally am able to hold in my smile, but for some odd reason now I can't.

Butchy then puts down his guitar, and does a backflip off of the ledge. Which makes me raise my eyebrows him, after he spins and makes it look "cool", then once again smirks over at me as if he was trying to impress me.

They continue to sing and dance, mr not realizing I had a smile still, not with teeth though.

"Why are you smiling?" Seacat asks looking very confused. "Oh- uh- no reason." I lie. "Oh come on, I'm not stupid. What is it?" Seacat scoffs. "It's nothing.." You lie once again.

You notice the bikers stop singing, and run out the door.

"Oh- uh- hey look they're done.. Let's go talk to those newcomers." I quickly change the subject. I hop off the ledge and run towards the door, leaving Seacat to his thoughts.

I run out the door, with Giggles, Seacat, Rascal and Tanner following me. We step out of the door all cheering, and do our handshake.

We clap our hands together, then bonk heads and everyone laughs. Even though it may have hurt a little, we've always done that handshake and it's always fun no matter how much my head hurts after.

Seacat and I both look over, and notice the blonde dude and brown headed chick from inside.

"Oh hey! We're having a shredder shindig tonight here at Big Momma's! You guys should make the scene!" Seacat insists. "Rad! You guys should totally come!" I suggest, agreeing with Seacat.

Every once and a while it's nice to have some new faces, and don't get me wrong I love my friends but some new people could be enjoyable.

"That sounds blasting!" The blonde dude replies. "Cowabunga!" We all cheer in excitement.

Everyone starts to run away, but I stay. "Hey I don't think I did get your names uh?" I remind them. The blonde haired dude starts to speak. "Oh yeah right. I'm Brady, and this is-"

"Mack." The brown haired chick says, in a not so excited voice.

"Sweet! I'm Evelyn- But I prefer Evie. I'll see you two later!" I smile, then run off to go find Seacat.

✓ BIKER BOY,  butchy.Where stories live. Discover now