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   "Miss Ackerson, please tell the class the answer to this equation."

   I mentally groan and walk to the board. I wrote f(3)=28 on the board and took my seat.

   "I'm sorry but you're incorrect." he said.

   "Actually, she's not. She's right."

   Everyone turned to face whoever said it and we saw James smirking. James, Really?

   "Can't be. I did the problem exactly how it was done in the book." Mr. Witherspoon argued.

   "Couldn't have. 'Cause if you did then you would know that 3 times 9 is 27 plus 1 equals 28. So tell me, where did you go wrong?"

   Everyone gaped at James, including me. When did he get so smart?! Not saying that multiplication is hard, but this is synthetic division; that's not easy at all.

   "Very well. Miss Ackerson, you are correct." He mumbled. I tuned him out and turned to James.

   "Was I really correct? Or were you just playing me?"

   "No you were really correct. He just doesn't understand that's all." James shrugged. What kind of teacher doesn't understand the material he's teaching?

   "The kind that gets a teaching degree online after 20 minutes." James said.

   "What?" I asked while laughing.

   "You didn't know? Mr. Witherspoon went online to a site called become a teacher in less than an hour. He took a test and the computer certified him as a teacher. They even printed out a diploma for him. He didn't go to college."
I laughed after James said this.

   "You can't be serious." I said.

   "Remember when the old math teacher for the junior class died unexpectedly? Well the school was desperate for a teacher and Irving was the only one that applied."

   I looked at Mr. Witherspoon. He really didn't look like a teacher. He had glasses, and sweat stains on his shirt. His ties were clip on and he had a bald spot in his hair. He looked like he could be the manager of Burger King.

   "I can't believe it."

   "Believe babe." James said. I stared and so did everyone else.

   "What did you just call me?"

   "I didn't mean it like you're my girlfriend. I call all the girls babe. Ain't that right babe." He nudged the girl next to him who blushed and nodded quickly.

   "Don't take it to heart Ackerson." He said with venom in his voice.

   "Believe me, I won't Thompson." I glared at him. But I actually kinda did take it heart. What is going on with me?
Uh oh. I think Yvette is catching feelings for a certain bad boy. Maybe they're mates? As the story unfolds, we'll find our soon enough.

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