Chapter 30 - Sex and the Alpha

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*warning: sexual content

Things had been going well and Astrid was beside herself. She was currently not abusing drugs, her nemesis had waved a white flag, Andrew finally thought she was responsible, and on top of all of that she had made real friends.

A sick part of her almost wanted something drastic to happen. She knew it would eventually, nothing great ever lasts in her life.

"I think you need to go to therapy." Ophelia took another piece of bread and pointed it at Astrid to emphasize her point.

Astrid, Carter, and Ophelia were having dinner one weekend at a nearby restaurant. She had decided to spill her inner thoughts after Carter scolded her for bouncing her leg. It was annoying him as we was trying to eat his pasta.

"I'm just saying. There's a pattern of good things happening in my life and then exploding in my face."

Carter gave her an are you serious look.

"Give us one example."

"Well I have many. But the most prominent example would be my birth."

Ophelia spit out her water before she let out a deep chuckle.

"Really? Your birth."

"Yes! I'm serious. There I was, ready to come out of my mother's womb after gestating for nine months-" Carter and Ophelia looked at each other as Carter made a gagging noise.

"Oh my goddess, let me continue. Anyways, boom there I was for the first time in this strange world and what happens? My mother just dies."

"She just... died?"

Carter looked at her in disbelief. There was nothing funny about what Astrid had just said, but the way she delivered it was another story.

"Yes. After my dad had died a few months prior. What kind of fucked up shit is that?"

Carter patted her on the back in a comforting manner.

"And here I thought having a mate who could be your father was your biggest issue."

Astrid laughed at this.

"No that's not even the most fucked up part of this whole situation. He was my parents' friend."

Ophelia and Carter both gasped. Ophelia reached over and grabbed Astrid's hand while clutching her necklace.

"Oh sweetie, not the parents' friend."

It felt nice for Astrid to explain this out loud. Maybe she should go to therapy. Tears even started welling in her eyes as the pain of the past hit her.

"Yes, and then he raised me and now I'm expected to be his Luna and mate with him and I don't want to have sex with him it's too weird."

By this time, Astrid's rant had become the focus of the restaurant. Carter and Ophelia were trying to calm her down in an attempt to shift the focus away from them. Their waiter had come over with the check, thankfully, and Carter stayed behind to pay as Ophelia guided a hysteric Astrid to the car.

Once Astrid could form a coherent sentence and everyone was in the car, Ophelia softly asked her more questions.

"Did he ever tell you that you two will have to mate?"

Astrid sniffled before answering.

"No, but I know he wants to. He hasn't done it in sixteen years, maybe even longer. Plus how is he supposed to have an heir if we don't?"

Ophelia and Carter kept their mouths shut. Neither had a great answer for her question. They knew, along with everyone else, that Andrew and Astrid would eventually succumb to the mate bond. It was instinct, but the though of that happening scared Astrid. She was afraid that once it did he wouldn't see her the same anymore.

"Of course he wouldn't see you the same anymore. You'd go from his adopted child to his fuck buddy."

Ophelia gave a death glare to Carter.

"Definitely not helping genius."

"No no it's fine. He reminds me of my best friend at home Pierce."

"Nice. He single?" Carter gave Astrid a shit-eating grin.

"Not really, he's kind of mated to Achilles."

Carter shivered.

"Well if she ever gets too psycho bitch tell him to give me a call."

"Will do."

~~~{ }~~~

That night in bed, Astrid thought about getting intimate with Andrew. Sure he was objectively attractive, and he was quite literally made for her, but could they put their pasts behind them and get into bed... together.

When he called her earlier, she tried imagining his voice in a sexual situation. Him whispering in her ear as he hovered above her, his dick...

Snap out of it Astrid.

Sure she had done sexual things, including giving Pierce head, but there was something about doing it with Andrew that seemed different. She knew it would have a deeper meaning than just a quick fuck, and Astrid wasn't sure if she could handle that type of commitment. Especially with the man that raised her.

Taking in a deep breath, Astrid knew what she had to do. The only way to know how she would feel about sleeping with Andrew, short of sleeping with him, would be to imagine sleeping with him.

Masturbating wasn't something she was ashamed of, but masturbating to Andrew? It felt sinful.

Astrid knew she had to do it though. For her own sanity.

So, she spread her legs and had at it. She imagined the way Andrew's lips felt on hers, the way he would feel pressed up against her, and the way he would feel inside of her. Her hands soon became his hands, and her fingers soon became... another part of him.

It felt good.

A few minutes in, Astrid was a moaning mess. The thought of Andrew and her doing things made her hornier than she had ever been. Maybe it was the teenage hormones or the daddy issues, but whatever it was Astrid knew she needed more.

Once she was done and let out an embarrassingly loud string of noises (hopefully no one in the hall heard her) Astrid came to the realization that sex with Andrew could be good.

All that emotional stuff that she had bubbling inside of her could be forgotten and channeled into the most mind-blowing sex she'd ever had.

Ok I should definitely go to therapy.

Spent, Astrid rolled on her side and started to fall asleep.

At least she tried to before her phone started blowing up.

Looking over, Astrid saw that Andrew was calling.

"Hello? Andrew? What happened are you ok?"

Astrid knew that Andrew would never call her again unless something serious had happened.

"Astrid? I... I don't know what to do. I... she didn't make it." Andrew sounded frantic and his voice sounded as if he was crying. Plus he wasn't making any sense.

"Andrew, calm down. Who didn't make it?"

"My mom, Fuck, Georgina's dead."

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