Chapter 13 - I say goodbye because this is forever

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     Astrid had not been happy once she had heard that she was being shipped off to the academy. The academy was a place used by parents to keep their pups in line. It was also a training facility for warriors, but she knew that's not why Andrew was sending her there. He wanted to send her back to the factory and get a newer, updated version.

She was furious, but she knew that she had no say in this situation. He was her guardian and in the werewolf world, what he says goes.

That's why she was now at Pierce's house, at a time she knew he wouldn't be home. He was at football practice and had mentioned it in his phone call to her this morning. He had been calling her the past few days to see how she was, and see if she had started using again.

     Once Andrew had found out that she had used heroin, he had called the pack doctor to rehabilitate Astrid before she went to the academy.

     "You need to have a clean slate in order to start a new life."

     That's what he had told her.

     A new life.

     Astrid hated that he thought she would just forget everything that ever happened to her and become a new person. A person he wanted her to be, not a person she wanted to be. That was the worst part of this situation. She had fucked up so much that now it was biting her in the butt.

     News had leaked that she was going to the academy, and every pack member knew why. It was too late to become a warrior and no one had seen her at pack meetings in well... forever. They saw her as a child who needed an attitude adjustment and maybe they were right. If only they knew that child was going to be their Luna.

     Coming back to the present, Astrid dropped off a note at Pierce's front porch. She had poured her heart out in this letter and she hoped he would understand. She loved Pierce as a friend, but he loved her as something more. She should have told him the truth in the beginning, but she was telling the truth now. And that counted for something. Right?

     Turning back, she walked away from his door and dried the tears that escaped. Andrew had driven her here in order to watch her. He didn't trust her, and he especially didn't trust her with Pierce.

     Astrid had gotten into the car and stayed quiet. They were going back to the Alpha's house to have a dinner with her friends from the pack. That only consisted of Nolan's family, Georgina, and Andrew. Again, she didn't really go out and make pack friends.

     "So how do you feel?" Andrew quickly glanced over at Astrid's form. He could clearly see that she was upset and while it hurt him that his mate was sad over leaving another male, he needed her to see that he cared.

     "I feel like shit. I just said goodbye to one of my best friends. A forever goodbye." She was quiet while saying the last part since she was choking back tears. Pierce was going to be devastated when he found her note, especially since she didn't see him in person. Andrew wouldn't let her.

In a way, Astrid was Pierce's only true friend. He was surrounded by people who only cared for him because of his looks, money, and popularity. Astrid was like this too, but she had also listened to him and made him feel like a person. She was his shoulder to cry on since his friends were to busy hooking up and getting high and his parents were never home.

He would feel alone too...

~~~{     }~~~

     Pierce had made his way home after practice thinking of Astrid. Her smile, her laugh, her ass.

     He chucked quietly to himself and made his way to his front door where a note with his name scrawled across it was waiting. He knew that it was Astrid's handwriting and he opened it quickly sensing that something was wrong. If she needed him, she would text him or just show up at his house.

      Dear Pierce,

     You're probably confused as to why I'm writing you this. I haven't been completely honest with you, and for that I'm sorry. I love you so so much, but I've kept something huge from you. The man that raised me isn't just a guardian, he's my mate. And because he's my mate, I'm destined to be with him. Forever. He finally caught on to my excessive drug use, and my relationship with you (you're lucky you're still alive btw). Let's just say, he didn't appreciate it at all and he's sending me off to a boarding school far away from here to turn me into the perfect wolf. I'm not happy about it, but I don't have a say and deep down I know this is what's right. He wouldn't let me see you, so I have to write this out in a letter. I'm sorry for saying goodbye in this way, but you deserve an answer. I'm also sorry for leaving you alone. This is goodbye Pierce, not for now, but for a long long time. Please take care of yourself, you have a long life ahead and a girl out there who will love you as much as you deserve to be loved.



Pierce scrunched the note in his hand and started crying. Sobs wracked through his body as his tears smeared the ink on the page. His heart hurt as the only girl he's ever loved, the only person who's ever been there for him, left him.

He took out his phone and found her contact.

He called her seven times and each time she didn't pick up. He went inside his room, locked the door, and did what he did best.

Andrew sat in his office with Astrid's phone in his hand. Watching each time Pierce called his mate. And each time, he deleted the voicemails the human left.

She was his.

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