Chapter Two

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"I forgot my..." He trails off. "What the hell?!" He says loudly. I scream and somehow mr. Brown slams my head own on the tile. "Are you?" I think it is Calum. "Get off of her!" He yells. More people come in.
"What is taking you so long?!" Luke says loudly. "Oh my god!" Luke pulls Mr. Brown off of me and Calum picks me up bridal style. My head hurts really bad so I lean up against him. My phone is vibrating. I think. Calum takes it out of my sweatshirt pocket.
"Hello?" He pauses. "I'm Calum. I'm new here today." He pauses again. "She is right here." He looks really worried. "Mr. Brown..." He stops and by now I know it is Ashley. Everything is going black and I can't hold my head up anymore. "I'll call you back later!" He says worriedly and freaks out. Everything goes black.
I wake up against the lockers. I'm really dizzy. My head hurts really bad.
"Are you okay?" Someone asks. I look up and see two guys sitting above me. I know I look confused. There are two really hot guys in front of me. "You were kinda hurt." They explain and in that second I know exactly what happened. I stand up. The bell has just rang and people came rushing out. That was the final bell. "We have to tell the principal."
"No those two are good friends the last girl was expelled for sleeping with him when really he raped her." I sigh. She was my best friend. She moved away because nothing happened to him and she got expelled. I've hated him since but I've been his target since. Calum helped me to the bus.
"I'll talk to you tonight" he smiled.
"Okay." I smiled back and then I realised I don't have his number. "I don't..."
"Check your phone!" he yells running in the opposite direction to catch his bus. I smile and walk to the closest open seat trying not to fall down. I look out the window the whole time. I finally have to get off and I walk into the house. I go up the stairs to my room. The stairs were literally part of my room. I set my bag down and walked down stairs reading a Conner Franta fanfic.
"Hey sweetie!" My mom said from the kitchen. I walked in the kitchen. "How was your day?" She asks her back turned away from me.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told-"
"Oh my gosh! What happened?!" She looks concerned tilting my head so that she could see. I had totally forgotten about what might have happened to my face. "Did you get in a fight?!" I shake my head and feel a sharp pain and I fall to the floor. "I'll have to call and reschedule the appointment I had with you teacher." I shake my head again. It hurt worse this time. "Are you sure?"
"Yes. You can have the meeting." She grabs an ice pack and hands it to me. Just then the door bell rings. My mom goes to get it.
"Hello!" My mom says.
"Hello Mrs. Brooks!" Oh no...

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