(Poem) Periods blows

6 1 2

Mother nature
Heed my words
I fucking
Hate you!

My life shouldn't
Be dedicated
By the fact
I can give

I'm ASEXUAL hence
I don't like
Sexual advances
Lustful words
Or intercourse!

My existence would
Be great if you
NEVER existed
Trust me
In this!

Why must pain
Only be on the gentle
Gender and not the
Other side of the coin?

Why can't it be
Equally painful?
Men sinned just
Like females.
So why not?

Bleeding for days,
Cramps varying in
Certain degrees,
Weakness during the
Beginning of our hell,
Tell me if I lie.

Craving chocolate just
Like ants and bees!
Heating pads,
And crawling into bed

Sounds like an awful dream!
Too bad it's never ending

A/N: yes I'm on my period, yes I am craving fucking candy, and YES I do want men to get a fucking period so they can get what it means to be in this kind of pain.

- Bee

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