Death and Grim Reapers

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Lori tapped her stylus on the table as the tick of the clock kept annoying the daylights out of her. Sitting in class right now was the last thing she truly wanted to be, but "school is important for the future mija" her mother would knock into her head before she stepped outside the house.

So, here she sat on her ass and waited patiently for the torture to end...okay maybe not so calmly as she made it seem what with the stylus situation. Studying just wasn't for her! Sitting for hours hearing older people speaking nonsense to her ears for however long was pointless when she didn't GIVE A FUCK.

Honestly if someone asked her what she wanted to know was death. Well the daily life of Death since she thought that Death was a deity of its own. Think about it for a minute and you will understand. Who controls how death truly works? Grim Reapers carry off the spirits of the dead to their respectively realms whether it's hell, heaven, or limbo. What does the main "man" known as Death do It has It's own people outside the scope of order?

On that topic she thought that the Grim Reapers that are underneath It's master must either be Death's favorites or Death's most hated souls to serve him day and night if there's hundreds if not more people dying. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

Exactly HOW were they picked in the first place? Did Death look at the first Grim Reaper to be created and thought "Hm, I guess I'll take him to be mine forever." Honestly she itched to know, as for her studies over the topic the internet was blocked off to her since she did dress as a goth, had a tendency to be addicted to anything interesting, and well she craved to be dead just to know the unknown.

Sighing she guessed she would just have to wait till her life ended in the long, long, long years ahead of her for heaven knows what her fate was to be. Well she hoped to be a faithful Grim Reaper in the future, taking off dead babies to be reborn or held by mothers in Heaven just wanting help that baby be born once again, help children cross over to a playful realm as a way to wait for their parents to die and claim them, or even adults who lived a life well lived or...who knows maybe in the future she would know and it would be like a dream come true.

A/N "Mija" means daughter in Spanish to all those who aren't fluent in Spanish :)

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