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Is there a soul

Is there a soul

Somewhere inside this hollow

Is there a soul

Which beautiful dreams do follow

Is there something new

Or is it rotting underneath

pretty sighting only few

Can see, if they heed

Is it a wishful thinking

To find a true self

Cause in the end

There is no- true self

It's a fragment of past

An essence of tomorrow

Held on by the present

Shaped by your sorrow

As if time is your soul

Its ever changing

It can bring you down so low

Or up to the clouds hanging

What if there's no true in you

Nothing false in empty space

Flowers that grow beside willow

can fill up the open space

Is there a soul inside

Or is it filled by emptiness

That carry my and your words

Despite our shakiness

What if it's a blank canvas

That is beautiful on its own

But it's true nature

If Only by time is shown

What if there is a whole universe

Of melody and tears

Voices of far and beyond

Trapped in this vessel

Is there a soul

underneath the covers

or something ever changing

not fixed and not shackled


You can be whoever you are

Whoever you will be

No need for labels

to close off what to see

There is no me that's forever

No you for eternity

All to be changed together

For that is, our destiny.


Illustration: kellas campbell

inspiration: existencial crisis number idc

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