the missing 27

88 5 168

I can still hear the whistle 

Has the train left the station?

Do I stand here lonely in confession?

that I could've run faster

but didn't 

I should've tried harder

but couldn't 

The train has left the station

not sure when before I arrived-

Could've been a minute

Could've  been two

perhaps I would've made it

Or is that a hope askew

The train has left the station 

and I stand here feeling blue 

But still I hear the whistle 

If I run, perhaps I can make it too

Is this perhaps lunacy

The train is out of view

But possibility lies in movement

rarely in stationary solititude 

If I stand here till tomorrow 

I know I'll be here in the morning

But if I run?

 as I hear the whistle- 

perhaps I might,

just make it through- 

to a morning

That's brand new.



well I only just realized I still have the counting skills of a grade schooler, and put 28 after 26, so here's 27. This is something I wrote after a long period of struggling with being able to write anything that works and rings true, and I've gotten a bit rusty, but I'm grateful that i finally could, 

It didnt come from some dramatic inspiration however, it came from pages of my diary, where the extensive perpectual white noise of my head had died down for a little bit, and a small revelation of where most of my creative writing struggles and inability to make a simple cup of tea in less than an hour comes from. So here's to more moments where noises of everything dies down, so i can simply hear the sound of "something". Here's to being awake. Long ass authors note, but it was truly moment of relief that i seek to remember, adios drink water.
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