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The reach for the known
dart thrown in the brightest room
The urge for our cards to have shown
All to be set in stone

This desire
Corrupts Me
Sewn within my bones

I'd rather drown than be in doubt
If swimming
would help me reach home.

Rather I burn
And know my own end
Than wonder
If my prayers
Would've saved me instead.

The intoxication of certainty
The dance
on the edge of insanity
This music
was never on hold
always there
Muffled in midst of every fold-
Of my being,

And I listen

So I can be the catastrophe
For which I had been warned.

Sobriety, a mere facade
We've all got our drinks to hold,

Drunken on the ease of destruction
-To blow on a house of cards
How easy paper goes up into flames
How easy -
To tear myself apart.

The intoxication of certainty

What hurts
To have been known

The dance on the edge of insanity

The music
never on hold.


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