Chapter 21

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Oli's pov

After leaving Cole with Asher for the next hour I go to finish up my chores. I wasn't really supposed to leave Cole down there with him. I was supposed to just let Asher see him and then take him away but I couldn't do it. I guess as long as father doesn't find out it'll be fine... maybe. I tried to talk father out of doing the whole "killing Cole thing" but he wouldn't listen to me. He said it was either we do that or he would just kill Asher and honestly I'm tired of seeing death. I know another kid died but I hardly even saw his face plus father said that the kid was going to die anyways. That he had some type of disease that would have killed him soon so it was almost better to put him out of his misery than to let him suffer. I don't completely agree with that but it's not like I really had a say. My thinking was it's better him than Asher since I'd have to take care of Cole by myself and I really don't want that. I'm more of a lone wolf if you couldn't tell.

Father wants to let Asher out already but again I don't think it's the best idea. For some reason father is set on both of them being in the family. If anyone else made it out of the shed and tried to escape that same day he would have killed them on the spot. I just don't know what he sees in Asher. All he does is argue and fight. I don't do any of that so why does father need anyone other than me? I've done as he said without arguing and without trying to run away for a really long time. Father says he has something planned to make sure Asher can't run away again and I'm almost scared to know what it is!

After the hour is up I go back down to bring Cole up. Both Cole and Asher are asleep. Cole has his head laying in Asher's lap and Asher's hand is tangled gently in Coles hair. I walk up to Asher and nudge him with me foot. He wakes up immediately and looks up at me with wide eyes.

"Is it time already?" He's asks with sadness in his voice.

"Yes it's time, but father is thinking about letting you out soon so just behave and you'll be back together before you know it." I answer him. He nods and reluctantly wakes Cole up.

"Baby it's time to get up now. You have to go back with Oli." He gently shakes him awake.

"I don't wanna go." Cole whines and snuggles closer to Asher. Asher looks up at me with pleading eyes.

"Just a little longer! Please." He begs. If it wasn't for the chance of father getting home early I probably would have given in but I can't.

"I can't I wasn't supposed to leave him down here at all if I leave him any longer ill be in a ton of trouble. So Cole come on." I turn to Cole at the end.

"I don't wanna!" Cole cries.

"Cole I explained this before I let you down here. Now if you want father to give your bunny back you will do as your told! Now!" I sternly tell him.

"Cole it's okay. Go ahead and go with him. I'll see you in a little bit." Asher tells him with a sigh.

"You promise?" Cole look up at his big brother with tears in his eyes.

"I pinky promise." Asher promises by holding his pinky out. Cole grabs Ashers pinky with his own as they seal their promise. Finally Cole stands up and comes to me with his head down.

I turn and walk out with Cole following behind me.

"Can I have bunny now?" He asks once I put the lock on the trap door.

"Not right now but maybe father will give it back soon." I answer while holding open the shed door for him to walk out. Once we get to the house I send him upstairs to play with his toys while I sit down to relax and read my book. My birthdays coming up soon so I hope father will buy me some new books. I love reading but after reading the same book over and over and over again it gets kinda boring.

"Cole I'm going back outside." I holler up to Cole. Seconds later I hear him running down the stairs.

"Can I come out too? Please!" He begs with his arms full of his toy cars.

"Okay just play with your cars and don't bug me." I answer with a sigh. How do adults take care of kids all the time. They are so needy.

We head straight for my tree once we get outside. I sit down leaning against the tree with my book and quickly start to read.

A few hours later I'm in the kitchen making supper like every single night. Cole's helped me cut up the vegetables. I gave him a butter knife so he doesn't cut himself. I really don't feel like cleaning up blood again. We are making a roast with carrots, potatoes, and other kinds of vegetables in it. I started it earlier so it had time to cook and while it was cooking I told Cole to go take a bath while I cleaned up his toys in our room.

Once I get done cleaning the toys I head to the bathroom to tell him he's got 5 more minutes. He whines like always but 5 minutes later he's out of the tub getting dressed in his pajamas. They are new ones father got him. They've got little cartoon characters all over them.

"Did you wash hair good?" I ask him. Sometimes he forgets to wash his hair.

"Yes I did! Smell it!" He says holding his head towards me for me to smell.

"I don't need to smell it." I reply and then we head downstairs to put the food on the plates.

This is weird! Father's usually always home before now. Looking at the clock it shows that it's 7:30pm. Where is he?

"Oli I'm hungry! Can we eat already?" Cole whines.

"No you know the rules we can't eat without father." I answer giving a worried glance at the clock. What if he got pulled over and taken to jail? Or what if he got in a wreck and is in the hospital? Or worse what if he died? We would be able to last a few days but eventually the food would run out and we would all starve to death! What would we do then? Maybe he's just working late and forgot to tell me! Yeah that's gotta be it!

"-li! OLI!" Someone screaming my name brings me out of my thoughts. I look up and see father standing there, but he's not alone Asher is standing right beside him hugging Cole who must have run up to him. Before I know what I'm doing I jump up and run over to father and wrap my skinny arms around him in a hug.

"I thought you weren't coming back! I got scared!" My words are muffled by his shirt.

"Don't worry none. I'll always come back you know that." He tells me with a chuckle. "Now I'm sure your starving let's eat."

"Okay!" I let go and we all go to the table. "Is he eating?" I ask pointing towards Asher.

"Yes he is." Father answers so I go grab another plate and sit it on the table beside my plate. Before we all sit down I notice something on Ashers left ankle. It's a big black box strapped around his ankle with a thick black band.

It's silent as we eat. The only sound being the forks and knifes clanging on the plates, but like always all good things come to an end. Asher breaks the silence with a question for father. One I really wish he wouldn't have asked.

"Where do you work?"

There's another chapter!! Let me know what you think!

Also predictions on what fathers job is!?!?!?

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