Chapter 18

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Asher's pov

I don't know how long it's been since they killed my brother. It feels like it's been years but it's probably only been a day or two. Oli came down here at some point afterwards and tried telling me something but I completely ignored him. I've been trying to sleep but everytime I close my eyes all I can see is Cole's smiling face. On the rare occasion I do fall asleep I have nightmares of Cole calling out to me. Begging me to save him but I can't. My feet won't move and it feels like somethings holding me back. Then the man comes out of nowhere pulling a gun out. Thankfully before he shoots I wake up.

"Asher you need to eat." Oli tells me. Wait when did Oli even get in here? I don't remember hearing the door open! Like the last time he was in here I just ignored him. I have my back turned towards him right now so he grabs my shoulder to make me look at him.

"Leave me alone!" I jerk back over not wanting to look at him.

"Asher come on. Please." He says trying to get me to eat.

"Why do you care? You didn't care when he killed my brother right infront of you! You didn't even flinch when the gun went off! You didn't even act like it fazed you one bit!" I snap turning around to face him. He takes a step back after placing the plate on the ground once I turn around.

"I didn't flinch because I'm use to it! I've been here way longer than you have. Believe me I don't want to be use to it. I don't want to be here but neither of us have a choice and if you keep acting like this your gonna end up like ever other kid that's been through here!" He snaps back at me.

I just stare at him then pick up the plate throwing it at him causing the food that was on it to go flying everywhere. He stares back at me then picks up the plate and walks out cutting the lights off on his way out.

I just wanna go home. I wish all of this would just be a bad nightmare and I would just wake up. I'd run into my parents room and give them a big hug. Then I'd go to Coles room and hug him an even tighter hug. Why wouldn't they let me see him just one last time. They didn't even let me say goodbye. I should have just done as they said. This is all my fault. Why do I have to be so stubborn? I mean Oli told me he would kill us so why didn't I just listen? If I had just done as I was told my brother would still be here and maybe just maybe we could have been rescued. Even if I could somehow get away now I can't go home. My parents will hate me! They will be so mad that I let something happen to Cole. They will probably wish I would have died instead. Maybe I should just die! I have no purpose now. I can't stop crying now. My eyes burn like crazy from crying so much. If I could take it all back then I would. If I could just restart I'd be good. I'd do anything they tell me to do. With all these thoughts running through my head exhaustion takes over and soon I fall asleep.

"Make sure you watch after your brother and make sure you both stick together." My mom tells me. We are fixing the board the plane to go to my grandparents house for the family get together. Unfortunately it's just me and Cole going. This is going to be so boring especially since I'll have to watch Cole the whole time. I won't have any time to just relax with my cousins.

"I will mom I promise." I tell her as she hugs and kisses both of us on the top of our heads.

"Flight number 267 is now boarding. All passengers please make your way to the gate." Someone announces over the loud speakers. Dad sets Cole down and we both grab the handles of our suitcases and head to the gates.

"Bye we love you! Have fun and be good for your grandparents! Tell everyone we said Hi and we miss them!" Mom calls after us. Gah does she have to scream that to the whole airport! It's so embarrassing!

"We will mom!" I holler back.

"Bye mommy! Bye daddy! See you soon!" Cole hollers back also. We've flown on planes plenty of times so he's not scared of them. He actually loves flying on planes. Me on the other hand I could do without flying! It always makes me sick feeling and I'm always scared the planes going to crash like in all those movies where the people get stranded on an island! I can't survive on an island! I'd be the first person to die! Me and Cole wave our final goodbyes to our parents and get on the plane.

Suddenly I'm not on the plan anymore. Instead I'm standing in a dark alley way with no one around.

"Cole! Cole where are you?" I holler out. I get no answer in return.

"You should have just listened Asher." I hear a voice say behind me. I quickly turn around and see Oli standing there. Then he disappears into thin air. What's going on? How is this even possible?

"You WILL call me father! One way or another!" I hear another voice boom through the alley way. I see no one around but I know who the voice belongs to.

"NO! I WON'T! WHERE'S COLE LET ME SEE HIM NOW!" I scream to the hidden man.

Then the world spins and I'm in the woods, but not just any woods! It's the woods behind the cabin. I'm running as fast as I can but I don't know why. Then I hear barking behind me and realize the dogs are chasing me.

"Bubba help! Bubba!" I hear Cole calling out to me.

"COLE WHERE ARE YOU?!" I scream trying to figure out where he is.

"BUBBA! BUBBA!" I hear him scream again. By now the dogs have stopped barking and in standing in the middle of the dark woods all alone!

"Bubba! Wake up!" I jerk awake with sweat rolling down my face. Suddenly I feel tiny arms wrap around my body. I start to push them away but then I realize who it is!

Cole! It's Cole!

Soooooooo once again here's another chapter!! Did it turn out good? I was gonna wait another whole chapter before I revealed that but I just couldn't do it! Haha! Did it turn out any good?

Do you think Cole is really there or has poor Asher gone completely crazy? I wanna hear your thought??

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