Chapter 10

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Oli pov


I don't really know what to do with him asleep in my arms. I decided to just grab his bunny and take him downstairs to ask father what to do. Once I get down stairs though father is nowhere to be seen and I would have known if he came upstairs. I check the kitchen last but he's not even in there so I take Cole to the livingroom and lay him on the couch before looking out the window to see if fathers car is still out there and sure enough it is. Then I realize the keys to the shed weren't hanging up in the kitchen. Crap! That means hes down in the shed doing who knows what to Asher. I put Coles bunny beside him on the couch and then cover him with a blanket that was on the back of the couch. Then I head outside to the shed. The moon light is the only thing lighting up the outside of the house making it where I can see where I'm walking. The only sound is the sounds of the crickets chirping and every once in a while you can hear the dogs grunt in their sleep. Finally I make it to the shed and walk in and open the trap door. As soon as I open the door screams feel the air along with the sound of whip flying through the air. The sound of the whip causes me to flinch everytime I hear it hit down. It brings back memories or everytime I've been down there in that same position. The scars on my back start hurting just from the thought of it. I start to just turn around and go back to the house but I'm stopped by Fathers voice.

"OLI I KNOW YOU'RE UP THERE! GET DOWN HERE NOW!" You can hear the anger in his voice. I'm glad his full anger isn't towards me though. He must have watched the cameras of Asher trying to choke me since he's down here. I hesitate for a minute before finally making my way down the steps.

"I-i-im sorry father! I was j-just coming to make sure everythings okay!" I tell him once I reach the bottom of the steps. When father gets in this mood you have to be careful or it'll be you hanging up there.

"W-wh-where's Cole?" Asher manages to get out. I can tell he's on the verge of passing out. He can barely hold his head up. If it wasn't for the chains holding him up he wouldnt be able to stand at all.. From where im standing I can see the blood dripping off his back onto the floor. Great I'll have to clean that up once fathers done.

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT TALKING!" Father yells at him causing us both to flinch as the whip comes flying down onto his back. Asher screams but doesn't speak anymore.

"Get him cleaned up. Hopefully this will help him learn his place." Father commands me as he drops the whip and walks away like nothing ever happened.

The first thing I do is slowly lower Asher to the ground. He winces in pain as I do but if I leave him hanging it will just feel worse and he will loose more blood. Then I head outside of the shed to get a bucket, some rags, a bottle of alcohol, and bandages. I pour water in the bucket from the outside faucet and carry it back down to Asher. When I get back he's curled up into a ball on the floor in a puddle of his own blood.

"I need you to turn on your stomach so I can clean you up better." I tell him. He slowly does as I say. I start by cleaning the wound with the water.

"This is gonna hurt a bit but if I don't do it your wounds will get infected." I tell him right before I pour the alcohol on his wounds. He screams again but doesn't move any.

"W-w-wheres Cole?" He asks again. Wow he's in all this pain and all he can think about is Cole.

"He's fine. He's asleep on the couch right now or at least he was when I came out here." I answer him this time.

"H-he didn't- didn't hurt him did h-he?" He asks between grunts. I help him sit up so I can wrap the bandages around him before I answer.

"No like I said Cole is fine. How can you even be thinking about him while you're this hurt though?" I ask as I gently wrap the bandages around his stomach.

"He's my brother and I love him. When you love someone you care about them. It's not like you'd know love but that's just how it is." He tells me as I help him lay back down. That makes me mad! I do know what love is and I tell him exactly that!

"I do know what love it! Father loves me and I love him! You'll see one day or maybr you won't. If you keep on acting the way you do you'll end up like all the rest of 'em."

"That is not love! How are you so brainwashed that you think the way he treats you is love?" He looks at me confused. Yeah right I'm not brainwashed! I just don't like getting in trouble. Father can be rough sometimes but it's only to make us realize we belong here. I just ignore his words and gather all my supplies to head out. I hear him saying something to me but again I ignore it. I walk out leaving him all alone. He obviously hasn't learned his lesson yet.

That's the end of this chapter! I know its short and sorta boring but I had a hard time writing it! I honestly debated with my self for so long about whether I should write the scene or just pass it over! Let me know what you think!

Also if anyone wants to write a new description that would be awesome! You could just message it to me or whatever you wanna do!

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