Chapter 1

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"Promise me this is forever."

"I promise."

Elena Gilbert replayed these words in her head as she stared lovingly at her sleeping husband.

Husband. She still couldn't believe it herself. After years of vampire drama, she still wasn't used to the idea of domestication. It was the life that she'd wanted since she was a little girl. Staring at the ceiling, she would imagine her life as an adult with a perfect husband and cute kids. And it happened, it really happened. Damon was her perfect husband and she expected to have cute little kids soon. Okay, maybe 'perfect husband' was a bit of a stretch. Damon Salvatore was far from perfect, but he was perfect to Elena. She sighed contentedly at what became of her life.


Caroline sometimes envied Elena. Elena had a love that consumed her, and Caroline's died. A tiny part of Caroline had died along with Stefan, leaving her heartbroken. Then, she opened herself back up to Klaus, hoping that he could be her amazing love. But Klaus had gone and died, too. It seemed that all her major loves, minus Matt, were dead. Tyler (Damon's fault), Klaus, and Stefan (sorta Damon's fault). Before the whole Katherine/Cade mess, she had thought that Enzo could be the love she was looking for. Enzo had been her shoulder to cry on when Stefan left without a trace, but Girl Code required her to back off as soon as Bonnie started having a thing for him. It seemed that Caroline could never find a love that stuck, something always happened. For Matt, it ended when he learned of her vampire nature. For Stefan and Klaus, when they died. For Tyler, when he cheated. For Enzo, when Bonnie showed her interest.


Bonnie Bennett was in Puerto Rico. She was staying at a hotel called Mi Amor, Mi Puerto Rico. In the morning, she would make a surprise visit to Mystic Falls. Bonnie enjoyed seeing the world, but she had no one to share her adventures with. She missed Enzo like crazy, and was willing to do anything to get him back. Absolutely anything.

So that's how the brunette found herself sitting on her bed, flipping through grimoires in order to figure out how to bring the love of her life back. Doing the one thing she promised Enzo she wouldn't do, spending her time missing him instead of living her life to the fullest.

But nothing could prepare her for what she read.

In order for the spell, she'd need two siphon witches. And she'd need them to be sacrificed. As much as Bonnie tried to think of another way, she knew that Lizzie and Josie were the only siphon witches alive. She knew that it was the only way. Siphon witches are specific to the Gemini Coven, and there were no other living Gemini. Bonnie had to choose between her reason for living and her best friend's reason for living.

She agonized over the choice, but it all came down to one question: Is Enzo worth the sacrifice?

And it all came down to one answer: Absolutely.

So that was the first chapter. How was it?

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