Chapter 2

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As Bonnie landed in Mystic Falls, she mulled over if this was worth it. Would she really be selfish enough to do this? On one hand, Enzo was all alone on the other side, with no dead relatives or family to keep him company. On the other, Caroline has already lost so much. She wouldn't be able to live with the fact the twins were dead, even more with the knowledge that her childhood best friend killed them.


Caroline smiled, she recently got a message from Bonnie saying that she was visiting Mystic Falls. It's been five years since she's seen her witchy friend, and they stopped phone calls and communication three years ago. She was excited to rekindle their friendship. She could admit that the bond between her, Bonnie, and Elena was not what it used to be. So, she invited Bonnie and Elena for a dinner at her house, and planned to extend the offer to stay at her place to Bonnie. Elena's response was as equally excited. She and Elena were still good friends, since they didn't live that far apart.

But recently, she felt kind of a gap between them, and Caroline would be lying if she didn't say that was partly because of her jealousy. She was ashamed to admit this, but she'd stopped visiting Elena and Damon recently, because seeing them together just reminded her of what she lost. So she made this an all-girls dinner so she could avoid the sight of the two and their disgustingly cute love (okay, just cute. But seriously though Caroline thought they were adorable). One thing Caroline and Bonnie had in common was losing the love that Elena had. At the risk of sounding like a five-year-old, it just wasn't fair Elena got to be happy and fulfilled while she and Bonnie weren't! Sure, she was happy for her brunette friend, but she wanted to be happy too! (Wow, she did sound like a five-year-old). After all they had been through, why was Elena the only one to get her happy ending?

Especially when it was all Elena's fault. Okay, Caroline didn't really blame Elena. She only said that in the heat of the moment, if anything she blamed the Salvatores. Elena never asked to be a doppelganger, and this could all have been avoided if Stefan didn't selfishly pursue his undying love even though it would put her in danger, and Damon didn't selfishly be... uhh ... Damon? She didn't resent the Salvatore's, if anything, she loved one of them. And even though she didn't like Damon that much, she admits he did change and is a good husband to her friend.

But the memories of rape would still stay in her mind. She would never fully forgive him, or like him. But Elena's happiness mattered to her, and she would at least try not to show her dislike of him like she used to. Plus, it would be kind of hypocritical to fall for a guy who killed Elena's aunt and caused her constant fear of her life for years, if she still wasn't able to accept Damon. Caroline knew that Elena didn't expect Care to forgive him fully anyway. After Elena's heartfelt drunken speech she gave Caroline after her wedding (Damon proposed about eight months after Stefan's death. He mourned his brother and took his death harder than anyone else, partly because he blamed himself for it, and Elena blamed herself, but he had a beautiful girlfriend to help him through it. And well, life goes on), though Elena was high off her horses and probably wouldn't remember a thing she said, Caroline learned she was apologetic for marrying a guy who hurt Caroline like that, sorry she couldn't help loving him after all he did, and never expected Caroline to like him, and that she only hoped Caroline would stop trying to change Elena's mind about him. Elena said she was fully aware of all the bad he had done, and accepted him regardless, but wouldn't force Caroline to. After all, Caroline didn't really have any obligation to the raven-haired-demon. And she couldn't really hold anything against Elena either, because Caroline did the same thing to Bonnie. She married Stefan, a guy who Bonnie couldn't stand, and a guy who traumatized Bonnie by killed Enzo right in front of her.

She shook her head from these thoughts as she cooked chicken for her soon-to-arrive guests.


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