Chapter 3

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"Mommy why are you yelling?" Lizzie asked.

Caroline smiled and put the two in her lap, "Aunt Lena is going to have a baby girl."

"We're gonna have a baby cousin?" Josie asked.

Caroline's hope was that she could salvage her friendship with the girls, and Baby-To-Be-Named would grow up more like a sister to them than a cousin.

"Yeah," said Caroline, "Are you excited?"

The girls nodded.

"Mommy, since she'll be younger than me, can I boss her around?" asked Lizzie, the younger twin. Not that Josie ever tried to boss Lizzie around because of the few seconds of difference between their births. In fact, Lizzie usually bossed Josie around.

"Sure," Elena chuckled.

Caroline noticed that Bonnie wasn't saying anything, and seemed to be deep in thought.


Elena walked to the dinner table along with her friends and the twins.

"Mmmm, chicken," Elena said after she realized what they were having. Elena loved chicken.

"Yum," Bonnie agreed, but Elena thought her mind seemed to be somewhere else.

Soon enough, the three girls fell into the familiar pattern of chatting like they'd known each other their whole lives, which they have. Before Elena knew it, four hours had passed.


"Sorry guys," Elena said apologetically, "But I have to go. I have an early shift at the hospital tomorrow, and it's already midnight."

Caroline frowned, "Okay. But let's make a plan to see each other tomorrow."

"I'm free whenever," Bonnie added, which was a lie. She would be planning the sacrifice all day, but the girls didn't need to know that.

"What about for lunch?" Elena asked, "I have a one hour lunch break at one o'clock. We could meet at the mall food court."

"Yeah, perfect," agreed Caroline.

"Like I said, I'm free whenever," Bonnie told them.

"It's a plan!" Elena said, "Anyway, I need to go. See you guys then?"

"For sure," Caroline smiled, "I'll walk you to your car."

Bonnie followed, and Elena waved goodbye as she pulled her car out of the driveway.

Phase one of the plan, complete.

Now, Elena was gone. All she needed was for Caroline to leave too.

Soon after, Caroline got a whiff of herself, "Ugh, I stink. Will you be okay down here for fifteen minutes while I go shower?"

"Yeah, it's fine," Bonnie said to the blonde, "Your girls are adorable anyway."

Caroline flashed Bonnie her radiant smile, "Perfect. I'll be right back."

And with that, she went up the stairs.

Bonnie waited a minute before getting to work. She first cast the spell on the house. She had to work quick, Caroline was a quick showerer.

"Hey, girls," Bonnie whispered, "Do you wanna go get ice cream?"

"Yes!" the girls cheered and Bonnie quickly shushed them.

"I'll get you whatever flavor you want, but you have to be quiet, okay?" she asked.

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