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Shuichi's POV

For about an hour I layed there, in more pain that I could have remembered. It had felt like I was being stabbed with thousands of needles. Was this normal for Oma-kun?

Most of the pain had gone away so I was just sitting there, helplessly. I grasped at my stomach as I tried my hardest to get up and walk to the bathroom, but through out this all i could think about was "is this normal for Oma-Kun? was it normal for him to wake up in pain? was it normal to feel so helpless?"

I got to the bathroom and i sat on the hard, cold floor, gagging. I layed there, for hours without end. My head was throbbing and I could barely look up. I soon fell asleep on the cold, tiled floor hoping that every thing would better in the morning.

Kokichi's POV

I woke up to the morning announcement as usual besides for the fact that I wasn't even in my own body. I stepped out of bed and almost tripped over my feet as I remembered who must be in my body. I started to worry as I walked over to the bathroom and got ready to greet the chaos of the new motive. I hadn't bother making the bed or tidying up because my only priority was making sure Saihara-Chan was ok. I pulled open the dorm door and locked it.

As I walked through the corridor I heard nothing but the insane amount of silence buzzing in my ear. I moved fast and quietly so that I didn't get caught by anyone like Miu, Maki, or even Kaito. I made it over to my dorm and knocked on the door since I didn't have the key. I waited for a few moments waiting for an answer. I tried knocking again. No response.

I started to panic before I saw the door open just enough for me to see one
big purple eye starring back at me. The door opened wider as I see my own face staring back.


I forced the door open and I waltz into the room.

"Oma-kun are you ok?"

"I'm fine but that's not the point, how are  you feeling?"

"I-I'm Ok"

"Stop lying"

"I mean it's strange being in your body but nothing bad.."

I could tell he was lying, I should know....my head was currently a horrible place to be in. I couldn't help but feel guilty for putting him in this situation. I noticed that he seemed to fall back a bit. I grabbed him by the arm not to hard and I gently guided him to the bed to sit down. He sat down and stared up at me.

"Oma-kun could we talk for minute..?"

"What is it?"

"When was the last time you ate something?"


I sat there, silently for a moment trying to think up a lie. It wasn't the best thing to say in the situation we were in but I didn't think I had a choice.

"I eat all the time, I just have a really small appetite! Nothing to worry about!"

 He glanced at me trying to figure out if I was lying or not.

Shuichi's POV

I figured he was lying to me again but what else is new. I took a moment to look at his, or rather my face. I never knew how gentle and caring my face could be, especially with a person like Kokichi wearing it.

I started to reach out but I stopped myself. I felt sorry for him. I didn't know why, maybe it was because I knew something was wrong or I just felt like he needed it.

I reached out again but this time I didn't pull back. I grabbed the cuff of his sleeve and I didn't let go.

"How about we go get something to eat?"



•Total word count : 664•

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