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Fed Nightmares☆

Kokichi's POV

My head hurt. So did my eyes and joints. I cried to much. I wished I never had to wake up again. I wish the world would go away and disappear. I hated it all.

The neglect and loneliness I felt constantly fed my nightmares. I wished I was fed instead. The pain and suffering I endured everyday was eating away at me. I felt like a stranger to myself. I barely knew anything anymore. It was all an endless cycle of misery.

It cycled everyday as I forced myself to go on further and further. I neglected my own needs starved myself and denied the kindness and love from other humans. All I could do was waste space and piss people off. I was nothing more than a nuisance. I was only here to suffer and endure pain for the sake of the people I cared about.

I didn't want to be pitted. I wanted everything but that. I hated being looked at like I was a pathetic kid. My only reason to live was my organization but now nothing matters. The only one who pitted me was myself and there was no escape. I bathed in self pity and self loathe. The only thing I saw in the mirror was a pathetic brat.

I wanted to be angry at someone. I wanted to hate everyone. I wanted to blame everyone but myself. I wanted to rise and be loved by all. But...

I failed everyone and myself.

The cycle continued.

I mourn my losses. Not just my friends but my battles. I battle myself everyday. I battle my erge to eat and rest. I battle my emotions. My battle continues...

But I don't dare tell anyone. I don't want their pity. Instead I hide behind my cheerful mask. I hide my wasting body in cloth. I hide my pity behind selfish acts.

"Wake up.."

"Kokichi! Wake up!"

My eyes shot open as I sat up fast. My breathing hitched and cold sweat trickled down my forehead. I had another nightmare again or something. I looked next to me to find Shuichi sitting next to me.

"K-Kokichi! Are you ok?"

"Uh y-yeah I'm fine, thanks I guess.."

My response was quick and shallow. Shuichi let out a defeated sigh.

"Um..do you need anything like a glass of water?"

I had realized that my breathing was still fast and unsteady and my throat was dry. It took me a few moments to process what he had just asked me.

"Yeah, I'll take a glass of water."

I watched Shuichi push back the covers and walk to the bathroom. I was still waking up so I just sat there, thinking. Just as Shuichi came back holding a glass the morning announcement went off. I covered my ears as the announcement sounded louder than usual. Shuichi handed me the glass and then sat on the foot of the bed.


"Are you doing ok...Kokichi? Did you sleep alright? You can be honest with me...I promise.."

Looking back on the events of last night I couldn't decide if I wanted to lie or not. Thinking about everything I said last night made my eyes start to water.

"I...I slept...fine I think, I mean it was like normal ya know.."

I looked back down at my hands not knowing what else to say. I was still in shock from last night and I was incredibly tired. Then, Shuichi held my hand in his...

Shuichi's POV

I reached out and grabbed Kokichi's hand. He squeezed it back. The look on his face was one similar to one of the several he had made last night. It was a look that someone made when they just wanted to cry. He seemed so...miserable and tired. I couldn't blame him though. The truth was hurting him so he just hid from it...

"Would you like to try eating breakfast with me this morning..?"

Kokichi looked up at me with a defeated look on his face.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt..sure I'll eat with you, or at least i'll try if that's enough.."

I gave him a small smile and quietly said "Thank you.."

Kokichi got up and went for the door so we could get changed and ready for the stressful day to come. I did what I could only imagine Kokichi did in the morning though it probably wasn't as accurate. I got up and went through his wardrobe and found his regular outfit. It took me a few minutes to get it all on as it's much more complicated that mine. I had to lace up the strings on the back, buckle the belts on the pants, and tie the scarf a specific way.

I then went to the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth. I had time to spare before Kokichi and I met up in the dining hall for breakfast so I cleaned up his dorm. The many boxes pulled up upon themselves. I also found it strange how the Rantaro effigie was hanging by the ceiling but I simply ignored it.

I had begun walking down to the dining hall when I ran into Kiib- no Kaito.

"O-oh uh sorry about that...Kaito."

"Oh! Sidekick, I was just looking for you since you weren't at breakfast yet! How are you doing?"

"Oh uh I'm doing fine."

"Maybe once this motive finally ends we can start training again! It sucks being in this robots body, I don't know how Kiibo does it!"

"Ah well maybe its because hes always been a robot haha..."

"Haha your right! Kiibo on the other hand is having a blast! All he's been doing is actually tasting food and anything else a robot can't do."

"Best not make those remarks around him, he'll call you robophobic again..."

"Ah I guess your right, what have you been doing lately? Barely anyone has seen you around!"

"Oh I've been hanging out with kokichi, it's actually really enjoyable once you get to know him better!"

"Really, Kokichi? I mean you do what you want but I would have never thought you guys would get along so well! Haha well I guess my sidekick can get along with everyone!"

"Yeah well I've got to go I'm sorry kaito. I'll see you later!"

"Yeah see ya!"



•Total word count : 1,070•

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