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Kokichi's POV

Then silence.

The room when quiet. The screams stopped and the crying haulted. The execution had ended with a brutal sight. The smell of blood lingered in the stuffy air.

Everyone hesitated to move. They all just sat there, helplessly. We all thought we were going to be fine. We thought the motive would not provoke anyone, but we thought wrong.

I was then woken from my trance and carefully lifted to my feet and pulled back into a loose hug, an act of comfort. I examined my classmates. Maki was laying unconscious on the cold floor and Tenko was being picked up and comforted by Gonta. Tsumugi cried as well.

People soon started to clear out of the room. Maki was carried to her room by Kaito and Tenko was carried by Gonta. Shuichi and I were the last to leave.

"How about we just go to our own rooms for the night?" I said weakly.

"Yeah that'll be fine, if you need anything just feel free to knock on my door at anytime...ok?"

We walked down to the dorms together silently. Shuichi looked exhausted but it was clear that I probably looked just as tired. I swayed back and forth as I walked trying to keep myself awake.

Before we entered our dorms we exchanged keys and went our separate ways. I went back to my own room and everything was almost how I left it, with the exception of how clean it was. There was so much I needed to do but I felt to tired to do them. Regardless I walked myself over to my desk and pulled out everything I had been working on along with a few markers and pens.

I pulled out a certain book labeled "Kokichi Oma's Script" and started writing.

This was the most important thing I had worked on. It was basically a written out script of my own death. The details were flawless and if done right I could end this game and save all my friends. Everyone would be so happy to be saved. No one would miss me if I was gone! Well maybe someone.

It was a depressing thing to write out. The pages had tear stains on them from the countless nights I had struggled to accept my own fate. One way or another I knew I would die. Option one was that I would go through with my script, Option two was a classmate would eventually get tired of me and just put me to rest, and opinion three was that I would just end my life.

It doesn't seem like a happy thought but now it just seems so relaxing. It seemed like the happiest way to go in my situation. All the nights I wished I wasn't born would go away. The nights I feared death would be over. All my problems would be gone, how peaceful it all sounded...

I continued to work silently until my eyes fell to heavy. All the all nighters I've pulled have really started catching up to me.

"Actually when was the last time I got a full night's rest...?"

I soon heard my doorbell ring and I got up to get it. On the other side of the door was Kaito with a tray of food.

"Hey Oma, uh I understand that everyone is probably having a hard time after today and everything so I thought I would make sure everyone had a good meal before they go to sleep tonight! I know I can't sleep on a empty stomach anyways.."

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