Chapter 7

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~Two Weeks Later~

"Here we go" I smiled in accomplishment. We had been searching for this cereal for ages now, why do they always have to move the aisles around in the shopping centre?

"Sustain. Healthy, filling and delicious" I mused as I picked up about five boxes and threw them into the trolley above the milk. 

"Never heard of it" Abbey said, looking over the trolley curiously. She insisted on pushing the trolley whenever we came to the supermarket. She says it's because she feels helpless when it comes to helping out around the house because of her pregnancy. Sure I think that's a factor, but honestly I think it's more to do with the reason she often wears baggy clothes, or walks in the middle of the group and often carries around a ginormous bag; to cover up her teenage pregnancy.

She still hasn't told us who the father is or anything about it. Whenever A or I try to bring it up she frowns and looks away. A few times I've seen tears escape her beautiful green eyes and it breaks my heart. The poor girl, she's 17, she shouldn't have this stress on her right now. She should be out partying, hanging out with friends and boyfriends and having a great time. Not locked up in a house with her mother and two other people who are all hiding away from someone who could possibly have her dead if they were given half a chance.

At least she was never alone, none of us ever were now. We decided for our safety that we shouldn't be alone so a majority of the time we stay together; which makes shopping expeditions quite challenging sometimes.

"Sustain? Really? My daughter is pregnant for goodness sake and you want to feed her Sustain!?" Rachael exploded. I gritted my teeth together. Correction, shopping with A and Abbey was fine, it was Rachael who made everything difficult. Any decision I make she has to question, every thing I do she has to monitor. To say she was getting on my nerves would be an understatement.

" What's wrong with Sustain?" I growled through gritted teeth. My hands had clenched into fists around the edge of the trolley in frustration. 

"It's got mountain loads of sugar in it, not to mention all the other additives it probably has!" Rachael replied, glaring at me. If looks could kill I don't know who'd be dead first; me or Rachael.

"Sustain doesn't have any bloody sugar in it! It's healthier than Just Right for God's sake!" I replied, throwing my hands in the air in exasperation.

"Bullshit, how would you know that? You've never been pregnant, you've never had to worry about these things!" she challenged, eyeing me as if she would like nothing more than to rip my throat out. Well I can tell you, that feeling was mutual.

"Ok, ok! Guys break it up! What cereal can Abbey eat?" A interrupted, stepping between us and looking at us in exasperation. She too was sick of our bickering, however she held me to blame just as much as damn Rachael. It wasn't my fault!

"Um, can we keep it down? Please?" Abbey whispered quickly, she was looking around with wide frightened eyes. She didn't like the idea of being another teen pregnancy and she definitely didn't like the idea of other people knowing about it. I sighed.

"Sorry Abbey" I apologised. Rachael glared at me.

"See what you've done? Now you've made poor Abbey feel uncomfortable! Way to go Rocker" Rachael had come to calling me 'Rocker' instead of Gemma insisting that I was more like a rock than a gem, even though I'd told her countless times that a gem was a rock.

"What the hell you started this! I was just getting a freaking breakfast cereal!" I protested, staring at her in disbelief. She looked like she was about to retort with some kind of rude remark no doubt when A cut in.

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