Past memories part 2

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None of the cures seemed to be working for me. I was in and out of fevered dreams.

I woke  up with a start, gasping for breath. It's dark outside, the clock on my mantelpiece says it's one AM. I peel the covers away from me and stumble to my feet. The old wood floorboards are cold, stinging my bare feet. I reach over to my armchair and put my favourite robe on over my sweat stained nightgown. I am incredibly thirsty so I stumble out of my room, coughing.  I get far enough to grab hold of the staircase banister before a servant comes running up the stairs holding a candle. She gets a-hold of my hand.

"Lady Arabella, what on earth are you doing out of bed at this time?!" The servant, her name is Katherine I recall. Katherine places the candle down on the floor. She takes both my hands and sits me down on the floor, feeling my brow afterwards.

"I was thirsty" I croak out, it hurts so much to talk.

"I shall get you a drink. Please stay there, Lady Arabella". Katherine says, standing up.

"Wait" I mange, she turns back towards me and shrieks as I collapse down by the candle.

"Help! It's Lady Arabella!" I hear Katherine shout out as I slip in and out of  consciousness. A bombard of servants, Lords and Ladies come out of their bedrooms. I see Thomas come running over to me, he picks me up and carries me back to my bed.

"Rest, my sweet Turtledove" Thomas tells me. stroking back my hair and placing a kiss on my lips.

The next time I wake I hear arguing outside my room. It sounds like Thomas and no, It cannot be. Lord Byron? The man that my father has been trying to force me to marry. I hear snippets of the argument. 

"I will see Arabella! She is my betrothed! I will love her to the day I die and shall never leave her. Damn your eyes!!!" It's Thomas' voice.

"Let's see about that then. A duel, on the grounds in two hours time" Byron's voice. I then hear footsteps walking away from my room. Lord Byron enters and comes over to my bedside.

"Hello, my dear Arabella, are you feeling better?" Bryon asks, kissing my hand. "Your father sent me as soon as he heard of your ill heath. He wants us to marry at once." I start to say no but before I could get the word out, Byron says "If you do not, I have been instructed to get rid of Thomas Thorne in any way I need to". I shake my head no as I cannot gather the strength to speak. "No worry though as Thomas has left you to go back to home". I start to cry, thinking of my love for Thomas.

Lord Byron sent for a Priest and he came within the hour.

I am now married to Lord Byron. I wish I had the strength to complain. I feel so drowsy, with that I utter one last name before I die.


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