᪥ Chapter Two

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Jaemin wakes up from a knock on the door, he groans and puts on his robe before answering it to see one of the castle maids.

Luckily, she was one of the nice ones, so it didn't really bother him much. "Good morning your highness, the king and queen are waiting for you in the dining room," she informs.

The brunet hummed and nodded taking in the information, "very well, tell them I'll be on my way," he replied.

The maid bowed and excused herself heading to the dining room as Jaemin closes the door and gets ready.

The prince fixes his suit and walks down the huge flight of stairs in the castle with the same maid following him. She opens the door to the dining room for him and bows.

Jaemin gave a smile at her and his face immediately drops when he faces his parents. The king and queen were already eating their breakfast as he sits on his seat.

They were almost done with eating as the king dabbed his mouth with a napkin gently while Jaemin took his glass of juice.

"Dear son, I have someone to introduce to you in this fine morning." He said with his fingers folded across each other.

The prince hummed, "what is it father?" He asked patiently, he had a guess on who it was about considering the obvious reasons.

Choi Seungcheol already left while he was still asleep leaving a letter for him, Jaemin kept it for remembrance locking it in one of his small chest box.

The queen nodded at the king as the latter clapped his hands together twice. The door opened and two maids led a boy with brown hair and a small body to the table who looked a bit anxious.

The king smiled and gestured his hand at the boy who made a small bow, "this is Lee Jeno, he will be taking Choi Seungcheol's place as your royal servant,"  he introduced.

Jeno gave a nervous smile with his fingers fumbling at each other as a habit to which Jaemin had noticed. "Bad habit," he thought to himself.

"It's pleasure to meet you, your royal highness," Jeno bowed again, his tone tinted with nervousness as he spoke.

Jaemin hummed and stood up before bowing back at the boy, "the pleasure is all mine," he smiled.

Realizing the brunet hasn't stood up properly yet and was still bowing, Jaemin chuckled a little bit but still worried for the former's back.

"You may stop bowing now, dear one." He gestured. The boy instantly stood up and blushed in embarrassment. "Interesting."

The queen and king stood up as well as the woman placed a hand on her son's shoulder, "do be gentle with him, He's new." She said kindly.

Jaemin hummed, "already planning on it as we speak mother," he chuckled.

His mother laughed wholeheartedly and patted his shoulder before walking to her husband and circled her hands on his arm.

"We will be leaving now, duty calls," she said as the king nodded in acknowledgement.

Jaemin nods and kissed his parents on the cheek with Jeno bowing at them, again making the prince smile at him.

The royal couple bid their farewells and walked out the room heading outside the castle to get in the royal coach since they're heading to the village.

The prince turns around to his new servant and scans his face, now he knows why people easily mistaken him as either God or Royalty. The boy was absolutely ethereal.

His skin looked so soft and pale, eyelashes thick and long, eyes brown as honey, hair fluffier than a feather, lips plump and pink, cheeks chubby but cute, everything was so perfect.

He was basically glowing, he lights up the whole room more than the sun nor a single light could. It was endearing.

Jeno shuffled on his feet as Jaemin blinked realizing he was staring and probably making the boy uncomfortable.

He smiled, "were you informed on what will you be doing for me everyday?" He asked.

The younger shook his head, "I u-uh wasn't told about this duty much, your highness," he said with a shake.

Jaemin hummed but frowned on the inside, something about the boy calling him or speaking in a tone of formality made his stomach churn.

He wanted to tell the boy that he doesn't need to speak like that to him, but he decided he'll do that next time not wanting to rush things or make the boy flustered.

The older takes his hand as the servant looked up with his eyes wide and sparkling to which has made Jaemin melt and his heart beat fast.

"Come on, I'll show you to your room first," he said and leads the boy to the stairs with their hands still joined together and a few maids following them, with just one carrying a single bag of Jeno's.

Even when they arrived, their hands were still intertwined until Jeno had to unpack his things. But on their way to the room, the prince had noticed how shy the younger was and felt him sweat a bit.

The boy must've been a bit pressured even if they haven't gotten over day one yet. He seemed like he was overthinking a lot about how to do things just for the prince's sake.

When Jeno had finished unpacking to which was not that much, actually, the boy didn't have a lot of things even clothes. That just made Jaemin a tad bit worried.

Jeno dusts his clothes and looks at the prince, "so what will I be doing first?" He asked confusingly.

The prince bit the inside of his cheek before gesturing the servant to follow him. The boy trailed behind him as they walked in the long huge hallway.

Even when Jaemin was at the front leading them with Jeno not far behind, he could still see and hear the boy gasping and staring at the souvenirs displayed in the hall.

He smiled to himself finding it quite cute at the boy's reaction. Like a kid in a candy store, pure innocence in their aura as they gape at the sweets.

He turns around with Jeno bumping into his chest busy staring at the pictures on the wall. The boy yelped and backed away as the prince took ahold of his arm.

He pulls him back with the servant blushing and bowed muttering apologies, the prince reassures him it was okay and continues to lead him around.

"Uhm, your highness?" Jeno called as Jaemin hummed letting him know he heard him. "I can't help but ask, where exactly are we going?" He asked.

The prince laughs and patted his lower back, "you won't be doing anything important today, I'll just be showing you around." He said.

Jeno was about to protest but Jaemin beats him to it, "and no worries, this is just for you to know the rooms and your way around the castle. You won't get in trouble as long as I'm there," he adds.

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