᪥ Chapter One

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Despite being crowned prince, Jaemin didn't like how his parents ruled their kingdom. The rules were ridiculous and what was wrong was right, then what was right was wrong.

Jaemin loved his people, only when they actually listen. Sometimes they don't, but ever since he turned eighteen and was officially next in line for the throne, people started respecting him.

It was ridiculous really, that they'd give respect to those people belonging to who has a higher category but never to each other.

Jaemin loved his parents sometimes, just not when their mouths are open and they start babbling shit that makes him irritated.

He was never allowed to leave the castle unless he has a servant beside him trailing along like a dog.

He liked a few staffs, some are nice some are needed to be fired. It's not because he's mean, but because they barely do anything and often brings up drama.

Like one time he got grounded because he had asked one of the maids to tell his father that he'll be outside at the castle's garden.

Instead of repeating his words, the maid had twisted them that made his father angry thinking he had snuck out without permission.

Luckily, his servant is loyal and actually really nice. His name is Choi Seungcheol, he was older than him and often gives advices to keep him sane.

Unfortunately, Seungcheol is getting old these days, it's been 13 years since they met. Seungcheol was actually the grandson on one of the old maids and has grew up with Jaemin in the castle.

Seungcheol knew what to do and had the type of leadership in him that made Jaemin admire and looks up at him. It was like looking up to his father, but his actual one is annoying.

The thought of Seungcheol leaving made Jaemin stress and can't help but think of the possible occasions that will happen without the older by his side.

Seungcheol laughed and patted his head everytime, this time was the last time before he leaves as the crowned prince's old servant.

"Don't be sad Jaem," the older chuckled as Jaemin rolled his eyes. "Hey, didn't I told you that we'll meet again next time?" He teased.

"In the near future you'll see me in an old farm taking care of some animals while I'll see you with your future husband, because we both know girls aren't your type," he adds.

Jaemin sighed, "I'm just worried about what will happen next, now that you're actually leaving literally tomorrow early in the morning, I don't know if I'd like the new servant taking your place."

Seungcheol snorted, "dear crowned prince of the Gruston Kingdom, you're worrying too much for something that's not going to happen unless you let it." He said thoughtfully.

Jaemin clicked his tongue, "I just don't know if I could trust the new servant, you know how annoying my parents' ideas are."

The older hummed and zipped his suitcase, "well, I've heard a few gossips about the new boy," Jaemin raised a brow at the mention of the new servant's gender.

"Oh? Eavesdropping again dear one?" He said jokingly making Seungcheol roll his eyes.

"It's unavoidable when I'm part of the castle staffs and I'm with them when you're busy," he shrugs, "they're also really loud, just saying," he clicked his tongue.

Jaemin laughed and hummed in agreement, indeed gossips easily spread like wildlife in the castle.

The older continues, "I didn't hear much but I heard that the new boy is actually pretty, like really pretty that some people mistaken him as either God or Royalty."

Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows at the information, God? Royalty? He's getting even more curious on what this boy actually looks like that made people mistaken him as something he's not.

"I'm not really sure but I think he's a newbie," Seungcheol adds. "Like he has never worked for someone before," he said tapping his chin in thought.

Jaemin then almost screams, why is this boy working for a very professional job when he hasn't even tried one.

"So you're telling me, an inexperienced boy will take your place as my trustful servant doing absolutely no clue on what he's supposed to do?" Jaemin asked.

Seungcheol shrugged, "I mean, your parents' hired him for a reason sire, so I think it's not going to be that bad your highness," he said in formality.

Jaemin pursed his lips, "what if he gets in trouble for something he didn't know he wasn't supposed to do? Is this really a good idea? To hire someone who hasn't experienced a huge job before?"

The older hummed, "well it happens for a reason." He shrugs, "but I think you need to warm up to him later and possibly get to know him, maybe know why he's here or something," he said.

The prince pushed his front teeth with his tongue,"I guess you're right, I can't judge him now before I even get to see him." He sighed, "I'm just worried for him, this is a big job but also risky."

His servant chuckled, "it's going to be fine,"he reassured. "You can help him if you're up for it sire, maybe be gentle? Give a few tips? Advices?"

Jaemin bit the inside of his cheeks as Seungcheol knew what he was thinking, "I know it's supposed to be the other way around, that he should be taking care of you."

"But it's a good way to start of a possible friendship, and you're a prince, you can practice on how to rule everyone in the kingdom by getting to know him." He shrugged.

The servant turns on his candle with the fire match and closes the window to avoid it being blown off by the wind.

"And you're not a baby anymore are you, your highness?" He teased making Jaemin chuckle.

The prince shook his head, "I guess you're right, I should help him while he helps me, look out for him just in case." He said.

Seungcheol nodded and walks up to him, "goodnight your highness, I'll see you next time in the near future, I'll be hoping for the best for you as I leave," he said his final goodbyes.

The prince smiled as they both hugged each other, "farewell Choi Seungcheol, you've been a very well servant for the crowned prince. I'll be hoping to see you around," he said.

They both laughed and waved at each other one last time before Jaemin turns to leave the older's room and heads towards his own.

He's already passed curfew but no one's around, so he walks calmly around the halls with his shoes echoing and opens his door before getting inside and locks it.

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