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a/n: literally stop following me. why are there over three thousand of you following me? love you all tho <3

also, somehow i missed that this had gotten half-a-million reads, but now we're like three-quarters-of-a-million reads, so #whoops, but also thanks. <3


I let out a large huff of air as I plopped down at the kitchen table, letting my backpack fall lazily off of my arm and onto the floor.

"Morning, my love!" My mother called from behind me. I turned to watch her as she continued making breakfast with a way too cheerful look on her face. 

"Morning," I replied, giving her a half-smile. That's the best I can manage on a school day.  

"Where's Carson?"

I shrugged while fighting back a yawn, "I think he's coming."

"Good, good, breakfast is just about ready. We've got plenty of time before school and-"

My mother's rant was cut off as Carson rushed into the kitchen, balancing three different textbooks in his hand all while trying to stuff a crumpled piece of paper into his backpack. He brushed past me, kissing my head, and took his seat on my right. 

"Good morning, Carson!" My mother greeted. 

She practically skipped over to us with a pan, placing a stack of pancakes on each of our plates, and placing down a bowl of mixed fruits on the table. Carson poured out orange juice for me and him, while my mother returned back to the stove with the empty pan.

"Where is your father?" She asked, not really directing the question at me. "I told him what time breakfast was the least he could do-" 

She interrupted herself with a sigh before moving to the entrance of the kitchen and yelling "ANTHONY!" at the top of her lungs.

"Mom, it's really not a big deal."

Her attention snapped back onto me, as I popped a strawberry into my mouth. 

"But it is! It's the first day of your last year of high school!" She came back over to the table, standing behind me with her hands on top of my head, patting down my hair. "I remember when you first started kindergarten, you had your hair in little pigtails and were wearing those cute pink, sparkly sandals with the-"

"Okay, Mom. That's enough."

"And you, Carson!" She exclaimed, moving onto him. She grabbed hold of his face, startling him, as he gulped down the mouthful she had caused him to choke on, "Oh you've gotten so handsome. A beautiful young man you've become."

"Mom, if you're gonna cry, can you move away from the food?" 

She clicked her tongue at me, but finally gave it a rest, as she settled into her own seat on my other side. My dad walked in a few moments later, holding out his phone in front of him, absorbed in whatever news article he was reading this morning. 

"Morning, Dad."

"Morning," He responded curtly. He shoved his phone into his pocket as he sat down across from me.

"Dad, I-"

"Hold that thought, Maddie," My father interrupted, before turning to Carson. "Did you catch the show last night?"

Carson grinned, glancing at me for a moment to make sure I noticed how my dad completely ignored me to talk to him, before responding, "Oh yeah, you were right. I thought for sure-"

"What show?" I asked, interrupting them. 

My father turned his attention back to me, "Oh, you wouldn't like it Madeline."

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