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a/n: there was confusion with the last chapter, so make sure you pay attention to the dates!! 2019 means it was between freshman and sophomore year, and 2022 is the current time! :)


august 2, 2019

It was sickening.

The faint smell of vomit coming in waves from the slightly ajar bathroom, followed by sounds of retching and sobbing; the beer, spilt haphazardly on the floor, clinging to the bottom of her shoes and leaving behind sticky footprints; the music, some weird remix of 2010 pop songs, booming around the house and shaking the pictures on the walls; the dim lighting, barely enough to see a foot or so in front of her, making her light-headed and sleepy.

It was sickening. Sickening and boring.

She stumbled down the stairs, trying to make out a familiar figure in the half-full living room before realizing she had only come to this party tonight so she wouldn't see anyone familiar. It was an almost suffocating realization. The air was too warm, too thin, too crowded– there was no one here to save her, and she could only blame herself.

She shoved her way through the living room and the kitchen, desperately reaching out for the door handle and yanking it open. The cool air hit her face, blowing her hair back off of her shoulders and calming the flush in her cheeks. She felt her heart rate slow and her breath even out as she took another step into the back yard.

There were only a few people out here, and for the most part, they all were keeping quiet. There was a small group sitting by the fire pit, having a deep one-in-the-morning talk. A couple sat on the edge of the pool with their foreheads pressed together, sharing a private smile. And sitting in a small circle of chairs on the far side of the lawn was Mel, Mike, and Cindy, casually talking while sharing a joint amongst themselves.

She took another deep breath to settle the uneasy feeling in her stomach. Once she had calmed down enough to move again, she strolled over to the trio and took the seat beside Mel, who instinctively wrapped a loose arm around her shoulders.

"There you are," Mel smiled. "I was wondering when I'd see you tonight. I was worried you'd gotten tired out."

"Of parties?" Madeline asked. "Never." Mel offered her the joint, but Cindy started speaking, taking Maddie's attention away before she could accept the joint.

"Where are your friends?" Cindy asked.

Maddie looked around, as if expecting to find Luna or Jason nearby, before looking back to Cindy and shrugging. "Don't know, don't care."

"Aw," She pouted. "I wanted to meet them." Madeline didn't respond– she gave Cindy a tight-lipped smile while she adjusted the position she was sitting in.

"What do you mean you don't care about your friends?" Mel asked with a somewhat humorless laugh in her tone as she turned into Maddie, her arm slowly slipping down Maddie's shoulders.

Again, Madeline shrugged. "They didn't come tonight. They're not important right now."

Any hint of a smile fell from Mel's face as she studied Madeline over, searching for whatever answer the girl was withholding. Madeline misread the situation and placed her hand on the side of Mel's face, attempting to lean in and kiss her. However, Mel had swiftly angled her head away and created more space between the two of them.

"Maddie, are you alright?" Mel asked, concern denting her brows.

"I'm fine," She answered monotonously. "Are you gonna kiss me?"

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