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chapter 67: where it begins...

september 1, 2015

"Okay, okay, settle down, everyone," Ms. Marist urged in as calm a manner as she could manage. Considering it was only third period, and only the first day of the school year, her patience was already wearing thin. "Please find a seat; it'll be yours for the remainder of the year, so choose wisely. I advise you to not choose a seat next to someone who will distract you."

Maddie glanced around the room, looking for an open desk. She spotted a boy with red hair and freckles in the front corner of the room, and the desk next to him was empty. No sooner had she taken her first step in the direction of the desk than did the red-haired boy proceed to pick his nose. She cringed and began searching for another seat. Some brunette took the open seat that was next to Lana, and a sense of relief settled over Madeline that she wouldn't have to spend a year sitting next to Lana. 

Her eyes moved to the right of the room, and she noticed another boy, with brown hair and bright green eyes, who had an empty desk next to him. She recognized him as one of Dylan's friends – though she couldn't remember his name – and could faintly recall him having some connection to her parents' hospital. The boy, coincidentally, was already staring at her, and seemed to be silently willing her to sit next to him. 

She almost did, too; her feet were itching to walk in his direction. Reluctantly, she looked away and turned her focus to the other side of the classroom. She found a girl sitting in the back row by herself. She had angel-blonde hair, which had been braided into two pigtails. Pink-framed glasses were resting low on her nose; her head was bent down intently watching her hand as she drew colorful doodles on a sheet of paper.

Maddie smiled, deciding this was her safest bet, and made her way to the open desk. She settled down, tossing her bag over the back of the chair.

"Mind if I sit here?" She asked, greeting the girl with her friendliest-looking smile.

"Sure, I could use a friend," The girl responded. She extended an arm, and Maddie was sure she was going for a handshake, but instead, she was being pulled into a tight hug. 

The two were vaguely aware that class had started, and Ms. Marist had begun teaching. However, it wasn't enough to dissuade them from talking to one another. "I'm Luna, by the way," she whispered while pulling away. Now, she extended her hand for Maddie to shake and she almost questioned the reverse order before deciding that this was definitely a normal concept for Luna.

Maddie studied the girl's hand, curiously observing the mass of friendship bracelets and bangles decorating her wrist, before taking it. "Madeline, nice to meet you. Are you new?"

Luna nodded, "Yeah, I moved here this summer! You're really the only friend I've made so far. I tried talking to this other girl during English class earlier, but she was kind of passive."

Madeline's brows furrowed, "Which girl?"

"I think her name was Lana?"

Maddie smiled. "I love you already. This is going to be a great friendship."

Luna smiled with her teeth, her eyes bright with excitement. "Good. I was worried that I would be 'the new kid' and friendless until the next one of us shows up."

"Don't worry. I won't let that happen to you," Maddie responded. "Although, I'm pretty sure there's another new kid this year, so, you're not alone."

The boy sitting in front of Maddie turned around, giving the two girls a huge grin, his blue braces standing out on his perfectly white teeth. "The other new kid's name is Jason," the boy chimed in. "He's sitting with Dylan, Maddie."

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