chapter fourteen : not the right time

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It's been a week since his mom has been in town, and since then, no word from her. Guess she's real happy with her new family. Ricky shouldn't be surprised though, that's been her routine for a while now. Not call him or even send a text for a month, maybe longer. Then out of the blue shows up at his house to tell him something, or ask of something.

Ricky has spent the week with his dad whenever he could, the dream he had that night shaking him up a bit. So in their free time together they would cook dinner, maybe play a board game, just watch a movie. It's been some of his favorite moments this week though, his dad putting in the effort to make time.

"Okay, you'll for sure be okay tonight?" His dad checks in with him for the thousandth time that day. His father is going to his friend Jack's house to play some Dungeons and Dragons, it's kind of an overnight thing. He nods at his dad, handing him his keys as he frantically searches the kitchen for everything he'll need tonight.

"Here," he says as his dad grabs the keys with a thankful nod, some of that built up stress vanishing. "I'll be fine, promise."

"Okay, no parties, and make sure to lock the doors."

Ricky rolls his eyes, ushering his dad out the door so he's not late for work on top of everything. "No parties got it. Love you!"

"Love you too," and with that his dad finally leaves the house, Ricky letting out a sigh of relief. This is one of the only times every two months he gets the house to himself all night, usually he spends it alone just watching TV or working on music. He has different plans tonight though.

His dad said no parties, so no parties. His dad never said no girls.

He and Nini haven't had a date, well their version of a date, in a while. So he figures tonight is the perfect night, he already has it all set up for her.

He and Gina have been planning it out for three days now, getting every detail to be perfect. He knows that Nini has been stressed this week due to school, so he wants to make it special for her. Plus since him admitting to himself that yes, he's in love with Nini, he's been wanting to go above and beyond for her. He just wants to make sure that she's happy.

He decided that he wants to make her some alfredo pasta and some grilled chicken on the side, Gina telling him that's one of her favorite meals (plus Gina sent over a recipe). He's gonna ask her over at school today, but Gina told him she doesn't have anything planned, so she'll probably say yes.

"Hey, loser, ready for tonight?" Gina asks him as he gets into his best friend's car, the wind whipping his hair out of his face. He closes the door tightly, rubbing his hands together to get some sort of warmth flowing.

"Yep, and I'll have plenty of time after school to get everything ready. You sure you can come by after school today to help me cook?" he checks in with her, the girl nodding.

He's pretty positive he could do okay on the food with or without Gina's help, but he also knows he kinda needs her help. Ricky isn't the best cook ever, he once made rice and it was too watery. Yeah, so he's grateful for the help of Gina.

"Yep, we'll only have an hour though because of my date with EJ." She reminds him again, the boy nodding in response. Gina shifts the car into drive the pair bobbing their heads as Cocoon by Milky Chance pours through the speakers.

They arrive at school rather quickly (with the way Gina was speeding), Nini spotting Gina's car and holding back from heading inside to catch up with them. As they pull in she starts walking to the car, Ricky sending Gina an "Act natural." The girl groaning in response. She's more worried about Ricky not acting natural than herself.

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