chapter twelve : i wanna be with you forever...

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The air is crisp with a hint of a fall breeze, the sun barely peeking above the clouds as the bird's chirp around the girls hurried steps. The leaves scattered upon the damp sidewalk twist and mush under the heavy pressure of Nini's boots.

"Ricky where are we going?" she yells after him, her breath short as she struggles to keep up with the boy's long stride. He glances quickly behind him, a small smirk playing at his lips.

He pulls her closer to him, slightly slowing his stride as they approach their destination. Shivers run through her body as he whispers a simple "Here." against her ear, Nini convinces herself it's just the breeze.

She turns to him, a confused expression on her features. They didn't buy any tickets for today, it's a bit unexpected, and besides-

"I don't have any money with me," Nini mumbles, turning back to the front doors of the theatre. The checker in the booth popping his gum as he scrolls on his phone (trying, and failing, to be discrete about it).

That's when Ricky's smile beams, his fingers playing with the girls in his hand. "Well shortie, I happened to notice in your room you have a list," he pauses for a dramatic effect, his eyebrow-raising just so. "A bucket list."

That's when it registers within Nini's mind, oh. She knows it's stupid but last year Nini made this bucket list (titled life bucket list and everything, the works), she decided one day she was gonna stop holding back and stop keeping up this "good girl" reputation everyone knows her as. So she did the first thing that came to mind, she made a bucket list.

It's filled with crazy things, mild things, and some things she even was able to cross off already (in her green glittery pen of course) she still remembers the feeling of crossing off the first bullet point on her list. Get my ears pierced. She just came home from the salon, her ears slightly sore as the new piece of jewelry sits in her ear delicately. She also remembers the feeling of accomplishment as she dug out her glittery green pen, drawing a shaky line through her tenth bullet point or so.

Ricky drags her out of the memory as his voice barges in, excitement lacing it. "Well, I happened to see it and noticed some of the goals of yours. Also, some of your crossed out ones." Nini flushes at the wink at the end of that statement.

She knows a recent one she crossed off and she's embarrassed at the fact that Ricky even saw that was a goal, let alone that he knows it was him. Make out with a boy. Well, she got that one done, and Ricky knows it.

She tries to steer the conversation away from that specific point and to the reason, they're here right now. "And?" she shrugs. "What are we doing here?"

"One of the bullet points was sneak into a movie, and well miss Salazar-Roberts, we're sneaking into a movie." she sighs as he smiles at her all satisfied, did he miss the important part or?

"Did you happen to miss the fact that it was crossed off?"

He sighs, running his hand through his hair. "I did, but I know that it was a bad experience. You and Gina went, got caught, and now you vowed to never do it again. I'm here to rewrite that experience."

She smiles softly, her cheeks warming at his words. "You remembered that?"

"Of course."

She can't help but have her stomach swoop, feeling as if she's on a roller coaster. "Well then, let's get to it." They walk casually through the doors as if they bought their tickets online. They grab some popcorn and lucky for them the ticket checker just switched people.

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