chapter ten: never have i ever

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Ricky's dad is currently running around the house looking for his work badge, Ricky watching as he drinks his glass of water. His mom left early this morning, only staying for one night before leaving, nothing new.

Every time she comes and visits his dad always gets super frazzled, her presence seems to affect him in more so a negative way. "Dad chill," he says standing up to put away his glass, finding his dad's badge by the sink.

"I know just..." the man drifts off, spotting the work badge in Ricky's hand. "Thanks."

Ricky checks the clock one more time, meeting his dad's stressed eyes. "It's almost nine, you have time." Ricky comments, his dad seeming to shake off his bubbling anxiety. Ricky can sense that his father doesn't want to go to work, he just needs a break.

The older man wipes at his face, scratching his scruff as he sighs deeply. The bags under his eyes are very visible in the shadow of the living room, Ricky doubts he slept much of last night.

"How about this, I call in and we have a night just me and you. What do you think?" Ricky gets taken aback by that, his dad never calls into work, especially if he's not sick. Guess he needs the break.

"Really?" he gasps, fighting to hold back a small smile. His dad nods, taking out his phone to dial the number of his work. The now beaming boy goes to look through their movies as he hears his dad on the phone, Ricky's currently trying to decide between Captain America and Iron Man.

"I just said something came up, let's get this show on the road." Ricky smiles, having a good feeling about this night. This is the first night in months that he and his dad have intentionally set time to just spend together.

"Alright, Captain America or Iron Man?" he asks, his dad pausing to consider as he looks for popcorn. He seems to be in serious thought, Ricky chuckling at the expression on the older man's face.

"Serious question there bud. Let's settle on Iron Man, but the second movie." Ricky nods, pulling out the CD case, as he sets up the movie he can hear the microwave start, the popcorn in the beginning stages.

They finally settle into the night, popcorn being shared between them, the movie as their background noise. "He's so badass," Ricky comments, turning to his dad, who is currently barely away, eyelids heavy.

As he's going to turn off the movie his phone vibrates, a text sending through. He smiles subconsciously as he sees the name that pops up onto his phone screen shortie :)

hey u awake??

He texts back quickly sending a quick yeah why? he waits for the next text, his heart fluttering. Last night with Nini was so perfect, and now Gina knows. Yeah, he's a little disappointed that she doesn't want anything official, but hey, Gina is one step closer.

i'm kinda having a rough night

u busy??

He frowns at her text message, wondering what's bringing down her mood, hoping it's nothing serious. He replies quickly, his keys vibrating under his fingertips. no, what's up?

can u meet up?

you know what sorry. you're probably busy, nvm.

He frowns at that typing quickly to send a response, not wanting her to feel bad about needing someone right now, he gets it. i may be able to meet up. i can at least try, i wanna be there for u :))

are u sure?? thank u

you're the best, i knew there was a reason i liked you ;)

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