Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to My amazing friends at school!


The lights became dim in the cramped caravan. Only a few candles remained lit.

The old, mysterious(almost creepy) woman brought out a crystal ball out from under the table. She set it upon the table, where it glimmered and sparkled. 

The gyspie closed her eyes and took a big breath. She motioned for everyone to join hands. 

Fiona looked awkwardly at Carrie and Ben, who both made a face that said, "Well, let's try something new."

The lady said a few magic words under her breath and suddenly pointed a finger at Carrie. 

"YOU! Look upon my crystal portal," The woman said, dramatically.

As Carrie gazed into the depths of the ball, something began to happen to it. There were no longer stars shining, there were black clouds that swirled like a fierce thunderstorm. 

Fiona was very uncomfotable by then. "Carrie, I don't think-"

"HUSH, child..." The gyspie warned.

In the dark clouds appearing on the crystal ball, a face came forth. It was a terrible face, one that said, "Death". It was a skull with a pained expression and blood was rushing out of its eye sockets.

"Suspect the innocent..." The skull said in a deep, scary voice.

"I see," The old woman said. "Pain and agony. I see death and sadness,"

Carrie was frightened. She was sweating and taking short breaths. 

Then, she was slung against the wall and was being choked, but nobody was touching her.

"ENOUGH!" The gyspie shouted.

Carrie was released and started sobbing. Ben immediatley ran to her and hugged her.

 The gyspie turned on the lights but when she did, Fiona was gone.


Alice was in her room, cradling Sally Sue. 

"I love you, Sally Sue," Alice looked at Sally Sue lovingly and hugged her.

The doll's eyes may have been perfectly still, but her mind was racing with ideas about the boy with the spell and about ruining the Cooks' lives. 

But Sally's thoughts were stopped when Alice's door opened and Megan and Ray entered. 

"Hey, sweetie! How are you?"

"Good! Wanna play with me and Sally Sue?" Alice asked with eager eyes.

"Sure, honey," Ray answered as he and Megan sat down on Alice's floor and began to play with the evil doll that would cause them much trouble in the near future.


That night, when the boy went to sleep, he didn't expect a thing.

He lay his head on his soft pillow and closed his tired eyes. But, as he tried to dream his happy dreams, darkness filled his mind and flooded his body with darkness. 

The boy's spirit was no longer in his body; a new, wretched spirit now possessed his body. He opened his once-blue eyes, which were now blacker than night. 

His smile curled up into an evil grin as he got up and made his way to Alice's house.


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