Chapter 7

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It was in the middle of the night. Nobody's house had a light on in it. It was a chilly, dead night.

But something was alive in it. The doll. She was alive.

The doll ran silently through the neighborhood. It ran and hid behind a tree. It ran and hid under a bush. It ran to the house where it would complete its mission. Or rather, her mission.

She opened the old cellar in the backyard. Dust floated out into the night.

She smiled as she climbed down the steps to the deserted basement.

The doll traveled through the quiet house to the boy's room. She creaked the door open enough for her to slip through.

As the green-eyed devil stood over the sleeping boy, she said the magic spell. The doll closed her little eyes and focused on the spell.

When she was done, she went out the way she came in and sprinted back to the Cooks' home, her evil smile curling up at the ends.


The inside of the caravan was very messy, but strangely cozy.

It was dimly lit, with magazines, cups, a small couch, and leftover food were found in this gypsie van.

There was also a small table with four chairs. At one of the chairs sat a figure covered in blue fabric with gold decorations.

Carrie peered around her back to see if she was awake or at least alive. The woman was so still, then.....WAM! She quickly turned around and glared at Carrie and her friends.

"And WHAT do you think you're doing, missssy?" It was an old woman, with wrinkles and moles with little white hairs growing out of them. She had grey hair and yellow, rotten teeth.

"Ugh..." Fiona muttered, horrified by the gypsie's appearance.

"I, uh.....just, erm...." Carrie was so shocked so couldn't speak.

The woman made a motion with her finger and the three friends sat down in the chairs.

"Woah!" Ben exclaimed. "I didn't even do that!"

The old woman scowled at Ben. "Yeah, yeah. Do you want to get your future told or not?"



Megan opened the door and a boat load of children ran into her house screaming. Megan was very startled and looked at the children's parents with a look that said, "Whew! Kids are a LOT of work."

"Come on in," Megan said with a smile, gesturing them to enter her well-decorated house.

All of the adults where in the living room talking, getting a tour of the house or watching TV.

Alice and her friends were upstairs. The boys were running around shouting and the girls were in Alice's room playing with her toys. Alice was having so much fun!

"Alice, we have a surprise for you!" Alice's parents said to her cheerfully.

Alice got up and stood on her short legs. "Okay!"

She bolted downstairs and waited for her mom and dad to join her. They opened the front door and.....the was Carrie!

"*gasp* Carrie!!!" Alice ran outside to hug her.

"Happy Birthday, Alice!" Carrie said, sweetly.

Alice was still hugging her when she looked up at Carrie with her beautiful sparkly blue eyes. "Thank you for coming," She looked back at her mom and Megan winked.

After the kids had played for a while(with Carrie, too) they were all called downstairs to open presents and eat cake.

The parents all looked at each other with scared expressions as they heard a dozen small feet running down the steps of the stairs.

The children all sat down at the table(with the pink table cloth) and waited for Alice to come down.

When Alice came down the stairs, her hair was perfectly curly and she was clothed in an amazing blue dress with ruffles. She had on new white high-heeled shoes with fancy frilly socks.

She smiled graciously as her aunt, uncle and grandparents praised her about how splendid she looked.

The dining room was buzzing with excitement when Ray clapped his hands together. Everyone quieted down. He brought the cake to the end of the table where Alice was. It was a princess cake. Everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to her.

Then it was present time.

The party guests gathered in the spacious living room, where there was a large pile of presents wrapped in fancy, shiny wrapping paper.

Alice got ponies, Barbies, books, clothes and shoes. But there was on more gift. The most important one.

Her parents smiled and nodded at Alice as she tore into the present, wrapping paper flying, when she stopped. Her jaw dropped and she squealed. It was a doll. Alice turned to Megan and Ray and said, "Thank you SO much!"

She got help with getting the doll out of the box. When it was out, Alice gazed dreamily at her precious doll. She stroked her curly red hair and marveled at her glittering dress.

"Sally Sue will be her name!" Alice declared. "Sweet Sally Sue,"

A while later, the guests were leaving. Megan, Ray and Alice stood by the door and said thank you to all their friends and family.

Carrie was last. "Thank you for inviting me, Megan and Ray," Carrie bent down. "And you. I hope you had the best birthday a girl can imagine!"

Alice giggled and gave her a hug.

"I will see you next week, okay?"

Alice nodded.

"Goodbye," The Cooks all said in unison.

Carrie waved. She hopped on her bike and pedaled into the sunset to her house.


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