Chapter 2

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Levi chuckles when he remembers his 12-year-old self cringing just a little when he remembers the look on his face when he won  5th place on his first competition.

He looked like an excited hyena and a pig jumping up and down after carefully putting his precious cello down and receiving his medium-size certificate and a trophy that had a violin and a cello combined on it that says 5th place star on it which made Levi feel special.

His mom and dad which was there watching him  be a cute fool( in their eyes) and decides to just sneak attack him and just hug him tight like a big bear

There were so proud of their little boy and wanted to do more for there son but for now, all they heard was " Mom and Dad take a picture with, let granddad take the picture" they both just stared at him and moved along with him holding to cello for him while he stands in between the two

Levi's granddad takes about 10 pictures just in case and puts the camera down and goes and hugs his one and only grandchild.

Levi cringes again as he closes his grade 6 cello exercise book which was at the college level. He goes downstairs and gets something to drink and looks for his mom but sees she went off to work and his dad went to the store so he went upstairs just to lay down

Levi is in his bed just thinking about how lucky he is about being a gifted cellist and all the good it has on him. He looks down at himself and sees he has a little fat on him since he just got from his grandma's house just days ago(and you know how grandmas are) they had dinner at his grandma's house and it seems like she didn't even see Levi have like 4 plates and his stomach was already bulging out with his button on his jeans about to burst making Levi wish he wore some sweatpants or something. He nicely said" ma I had enough food but thank you) but she looked at him like he betrayed her so he had to eat another plate and a big piece of cake before he went home.

All that food had gotten to him so he decided to go take a shower and then go take a run. He turned on the shower on full blast heat. He likes his skin to the steaming when he gets out of the shower. He  grabs Johnson's baby soap, which the reason he uses it because he likes to have very soft skin. As a cellist, he understands his fingertips are going to be rough with not even 3 years ago he had calluses on them, which his mother told him they are there to make your fingers more protected against the stings. But it stills worries he craps out him. Next, he uses dove for his face and Tresemme for his still long hair that he now knows how to take care of properly. He is very clean and neat for a 16-year-old boy( call him feminine he does not care).

He gets out smelling like a baby and his hair drenched almost halfway down his back. He thinks about going to the barber and doing an undercut but just blows it off, and puts it a little hair burrito before walking out of the bathroom. He hears his dad coming into the house and yells out "dad do you want to go to the gym I want to lift some weights" and his dad replies by saying "sure you got to wait for me to put the grocery in the fridge and go in the shower and we'll go then"Levi is excited because he always wanted to lift weight to get a little muscle on. He replies by saying "okay I'll wait"

Levi closed the door and start to put on some Jergens lotion and apply some ointment for his fingertips to get them smooth again and goes to his closet to put on a sweatshirt and some pants and headed in the bathroom again to dry his hair and put it in a bun. Levi just puts a dot size of curling creme in his hair a roughens it up and put in a messy high bun(not caring about it right now) and he heads downstairs to help his dad put the grocery's up and he finds his dad putting up sour kraut and looks down at his down just a centimeter and puts up a disgusted look and his dad chuckles and says "son you don't know what good food is" and the only thing he can say is " yeah I guess so huh"

This chapter is a chapter just telling you how he lives every day with a stay at home dad(I want to switch stuff around here) and having a pretty good relationship with his parents

It's a little longer but remember I'm writing this on my phone and right know my fingers hurt like a mf

And also if y'all are seeing grammar  mistakes nicely tell me, I downloaded Grammarly keyboard to automatically detect if I miss spelled a word but it can always mess up so don't tease me

Next 2 chapters is Nathan and Adams relationship past so read up

Stay safe


Written: October 10, 2020 (10:12)

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