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A/N: I haven't updated in a fat minute. Thank you to @IslandKoala for helping me with this chapter. Enjoy!

P.S. This chapter is a little dark at the beginning. After that, not so much.

Petey's POV

"You stupid worthless brat! No wonder your parents wanted to get on a plane to get away from you! You're just a little retarded bitch who is a nobody!"

I felt May's foot collide with my stomach as I lay there on the ground.

"Get up and go to school," She growled as she stalked off.

I got up as quickly as I could, grabbed my backpack, and ran out the door. I was going to be late for school. I ran as quickly as I could. No one knew about May's beatings, not even Ned or MJ. I got to school just as the bell rang. Thankfully my first period teacher always waited a few minutes before starting class, so I had time. I got to class and sat down next to Ned. He didn't question me because I was always at least a minute late for everything. Just then, Mr. Lee, my science teacher, started class.


"Hey, what did you bring for lunch?" Ned asked.

My eyes widened. In the rush to get out of the house, I had completely forgotten to grab lunch.

"Oh, haha, I just a sandwich and other things, but I'm not hungry," That was a lie, I was starving. I hadn't eaten since a day ago? Two days maybe, but I distracted Ned from the question with Star Wars until our next bell rang.


After I said bye to Ned and MJ, I raced out of school so that I didn't get bullied by Flash and his triage of bullies. I ran to the park and sat on a bench. My stomach was killing me by now, so for some random reason, I texted Nattie.

Peter: Hey Nattie?

Nattie: Yes?

Peter: What plants could you eat at a park that would subside your hunger?

Nattie: Peter, are you trying to tell me that you're hungry?

Peter: Yes...

Nattie: When was the last time you ate?

Peter: Um... 2x3÷2-.5


Peter: You forgot to minus the .5

Nattie: A) Screw the .5 and B) If you rounded the number it would still go up to three.

Nattie: Where are you?

Peter: What?

Nattie: I said where are you?

Peter: Elmhurst park, why?

Nattie: I'm coming to bring you food.

Peter: You don't have to don't that. 

Nattie: To bad, I'm already here.

Peter: How did you get here so fast?!

Nattie: That's for me to know and you never to find out. I see you, be over in a second.

Nattie's POV (When Peter texted her)

I was in the middle of a boring meeting for some random Avengers thing in Queens, thinking about Peter, when my phone went off. Speak of the devil. I look down at my phone and answered. When I saw the math for when he last ate, dread filed my stomach.

"Ms. Romanoff, can you please pay attention? This is important," The mayor asked.

"Yeah well this is more important." I said as I walked off.

I packed a lunch and snacks for Peter in the staff room of the building while texting him. When he said he was at Elmhurst park in Queens, I almost laughed. The park was literally just across the street. I walked out of the building with the food in my hands and spotted him. I texted him that I saw him and was coming to him.

Petey'S POV

I look up from my phone and spot Nattie right away. She walked over to me and handed me a big bag.

"What's this," I ask.

"This is your lunch and some snacks." She replied.

"Oh! What's in it?" A random person asked.

I looked confused while Nattie looked angry. Her glare was so powerful that I almost involuntarily took a step back.

"Clint, you want to explain what your doing here?" She asked scarily.

"I'm here to meet the kid you've been talking to," The guy named 'Clint' answered.

"And how would you know I've been texting someone, a kid no less?" She asked, still scary. I was just about ready to shit myself from her glare when 'Clint' stepped in.

"Uh, Nat, I think you're scaring the poor kid. He looks about ready to shit himself", her glare softened while I thought, you're goddamn right I'm about to shit myself. "Anyways, I'm surprised that I actually got away with taking your phone. Granted it was the middle of the night and I was in the vents, but still."

She sighed, "Yes, this is the kid I've been texting. Now Peter, eat your lunch."

I rolled my eyes, "Yes mom."

She rolled her eyes fondly, but Clint just had to ruin the moment. "If she's the mom, can I be the dad?"

We both raise our eyebrows and look at each other and shrug, "Sure, why not," We reply at the same time.

Clint grins. "Alright! We have the family squad!"

Nattie glared at him, and it looked familiar, when I realized that they looked familiar.

"If you ever say that again, I will end you. And if you tell the others, I will end you. If you hurt Peter, I will end you,  you here me?"

Clint had the decency to look scared. "Yes ma'am."

That's when I figured out why they looked so familiar. "HOLY SHIT!!!" They look at me funny, "YOUR HAWKEYE AND BLACK WIDOW!!!"

They looked at each other. "Well shit,"

Author's POV

Turns out he finally learned their secret. Thankfully, no one heard what Peter had yelled, or they just didn't give a fuck.

A/N: I have a confession to make. Mr. Lee isn't a made up character. Mr. Lee is actually my science teacher, and everything I said about him was true. Anyway, if for some reason he finds this, you're one of my all time favorite teachers! Also! This is the longest chapter I've ever made.

Bye for now!

Stay healthy, stay safe, stay in school, and black lives matter!

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