Chapter 8 - What if it's me?

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(Santana POV)

"What the hell do I do Quinn?" I asked, pacing back and forth around our dorm.

"Okay first of all, you need to relax. You're not going to make Britt any calmer is you're not calm  yourself" she said. I took a deep breath before sitting down.

Britt and I went to dinner 5 days ago, and 3 days since I've seen her, and although she keeps saying she's fine, anyone with more than 2 brain cells can see she isn't. I've tried to bring it up in conversation but she also gets all weird about and manages to dodge it.

"Look I'm no love expert, but you need to talk to her about it. And when I say talk I mean properly talk about it not just subtly bring it up" she said.

"I guess" I mumbled.

"Okay look you two need to talk it out sooner or later because me AND Rachel are sick of you two moping around" she said.


Knock knock

I waited until tonight to talk to her since I knew Rach was out with Quinn and that means Britt would be alone.

"Yeah?" She said as she opened the door. The first thing I noticed was the bags under her eyes, she had definitely been crying judging by the red marks going down her face. "Oh, Santana" she mumbled. She took a step to the side and motioned for me to come in, so I did.

"I think we really need to talk" I said while taking a seat on the chair next to her desk.

"Okay" she said as she sat down on her bed.

"Okay I'll start" I took a deep breath and continued. "Britt I am so sorry about my Dad, but you need to know that his opinion shouldn't matter. The only people who's opinion matter about our relationship is you and me. I know your upset but please don't listen to him he-"

"I'm not good enough for you Santana" she mumbled, effectively cutting me off. "I mean, you're so perfect and I'm just... not. I was trying so hard and it didn't even make a difference. I can't be what you need more often than not. You need someone who you don't constantly have to-" she said but this time it was me cutter her off.

"No brittany, before you even finish that sentence I need you and only you" I said.

"You need to find someone as perfect as you and you need someone who is actually going to be able to help you when you need it most. Your Dad said all of that stuff for a reason and you were left having to defend me"

"What are you trying to say?" I asked hesitantly, scared I already knew the answer.

"Santana" she said now with tears in her eyes. I walked over to her and embraced her in a tight hug as she broke down.

"Shh it's okay" I said.

"No it's not! This is exactly what I'm talking about. You shouldn't have to deal with me!" She cried.

"Brittany no! Don't think for a second that you can make a decision for both of us in this relationship" I said anger starting to rise in me. I quickly tried to calm myself down. "Brittany I love you. I love you and I want to deal with you, because I want you. I want all of you, I'm talking the crazy and the loving. These things make up you, and I want you"

"Santana I... I love you too" she choked out. I laid us down on the bed and just held her as the last of our tears out.

"Baby if I didn't want to be with you then I wouldn't, but I do want to be with you and you're worth the fight Britt. Look, I know you may not think it but in my eyes you're perfect" she said.

"I'm sorr-"

"Don't. Don't apologise for anything. You haven't done anything wrong. I already know what you were going to say. You were going to say that you're sorry for being like this and that you're trying, but the truth is, I'm so proud of you for how hard you try. I also don't care about the fact that you are who you are because I love you so much"

"I love you too" she mumbled. "Can you stay here tonight?" She Asked.

"I can stay for as long as you'd like" I said.

"How about forever? Does forever work for you?" She said as she nuzzled her head into my neck a little more.

"Yeah. Forever sounds perfect"

AN : I'm so sorry if this chapter seems crap 😬 I really just wasn't motivated the past couple of days. Back to normal now though

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