Chapter 2 - New Years

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(Brittany POV)

"But I wanna have a movie night! Just us!" I huffed causing San to laugh a little.

"Babe I really think it'll be fun" she said reaching a hand to caress my arm. "Is there a reason you don't wanna go?" She asked softly.

"It's just that you know I don't do large public gathering things well a-and I just wanted to have a night in with you. It doesn't have to be just us we can invite the gang to if you don't want to be alone with me" I said sadly. The other Quinn was teaching me how to, and I quote, 'send Santana on a guilt trip' and by the look on her face I think it was working. Quinn is a genius!

"Hey, don't think for second that I don't want to have some alone time with you. Look, if it's really bothering you then we don't have to go. We can stay inside and watch a movie or something" she said.

"You'd really do that for me?" I asked slightly shocked about how much she cares.

"Baby, I'd do anything for you" she said with a little giggle.

"I love you. You make me very happy and I'm happy that you make me happy because I like being happy" I said smiling.

"Wow Britt slow down with all the 'happy'. And also I'm glad I make you happy because you make me happy also. Oh and I love you too by the way" she said.

"Yay!! This is gonna be the best New Years ever!" I said already bouncing on the stop with anticipation.

"That it will" she replied with a smile. "So you spending the night at my dorm?"

"Well duh. Where else would I go?" I answered with a shrug.

"Well you could go back to your own dorm but even saying that out loud isn't very pleasant" she said with grimace.


"Okay Britt I'm not gonna come home tonight since I'm going home with Quinn" Rachel said as she opened the door to leave.

"Bye Rach" San said.

"We'll see you next year!" I added.

"You're so adorable babe" San said looking through the movies. "Geez, you never told me you had a Disney movie obsession" she said with a laugh.

"What kind of person would I be not to have a Disney movie obsession. That's gotta be like against the law or something" I said as I pondered the thought. What if the police did actually arrest people if they didn't like Disney movies. The world would be like the best place ever! Expect maybe San would be in jail which definitely wouldn't be good.

"Whatcha thinking bout" San asked as she came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Hmm. Just what the world would be like people got arrested for not liking Disney movies" I answered.

"Oh how I love how your mind works" she said with a little giggle. "Tell about the world Britt" she mumbled whilst nuzzling her head into my neck. I love how she cares to what I have to say which is different to most people but that's just one of many things she does that makes me feel so loved.

"Well for starters we'd have to break you out of prison, because I don't even think you own a Disney movie which is definitely a crime" I started causing San to laugh. "Oh and me and Faith would be like presidents of the world because I don't think anyone is a bigger Disney fan than us two"

"Well miss Disney president, which one are we watching first?"

"Definitely the lion king. Nothing will ever top it- Oh! And next we watch lady and the tramp! And then frozen! And we can't forget Mulan!"

"Okay Britt slow down, one at a time" she laughed.


"Mysterious as the dark side of the moooon!" I sang along with the movie.

"You really know your Disney songs, huh?" San asked.

"Or course i do. I'm offended that you would assume that" I said with a pout.

"Aww I'm sorry baby" she cooed and pecked me on the lips. One peck wasn't enough for me though so I leaned in and reconnected our lips. "Mmm babe I thought you wanted to watched to movie?" She asked.

"Eh, I've seen it hundreds of times" I said with a shrug.

"Well in that case" she said seductively.

"Wait San look!" I said looking a my snoopy clock. It read 11:58.

"Huh? Oh! Nearly new year. Soooo babe, how do you think your years been?" She asked. I just looked at her and immediately knew my answer.

"It's been amazing. Couldn't think of a better way to spend it. Nope! Not one!" I said smiling at her.

"Me too" she agreed. "But I'm more excited for next year" she said.

"Why? I liked this year, I met you" I said a little sad. Was she not happy she met me?

"Britt" she said grabbing my facing and making me look at her. "I'm excited for next year because I'm planning to start AND finish it with you" she explained smiling.

"Yay! Another year with Sanny!" I squealed. She just laughed and held my waist tighter.


"Well babe make a wish" she said softly. I smiled with her as I made my wish.

I wish for me to stay as happy as I've been for the past couple months


"Happy new year, my love" San said as she leant in to kiss me.

"Happy new year Sanny" I mumbled against her lips.

AN : so I thought I'd mention this before we really get into the book. This book is mostly just gonna be some cute Brittana fluff. Just wanted to mention that. ❤️

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