Six years of freedom

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The 18 months passed quickly, despite some rough patches. Some of the things Hadrian had to endure were too hard for even the mind healer to cope with and she had to get her own mind healer after a particularly bad session. Certain habits instilled in Hadrian were also hard to break, but with the help of the seven adults in his life Hadrian was able to overcome his past trauma. It was only after those grueling 18 months that a Black family dinner was held. The entire Black family quickly took to Marvolo and Hadrian, especially the women. Soon after it was not an uncommon occurrence for different branches of the family to stop by and visit Hadrian and Marvolo. It only took a month for Hadrian to be comfortable enough to visit the houses of his extended family on his own. By the time Marvolo's third birthday rolled around, Hadrian was always bouncing from one house to another, inadvertently bringing the Black family closer than ever before. Even Marius, Cygnus' squib son was brought into the actual family. Due to Hadrian's knowledge of squib families he was sent to live with some closely related squibs, but came over for the holidays to be with his real family. Despite some of their older cousins already being at Hogwarts Marvolo and Hadrian were pampered by all. Even little Walburga and Orion, the newest additions to the house of Black seemed to love them deeply. Around this time the deities began to train and educate Hadrian along side his family's teachings. Hadrian progressed quickly becoming everything you could ask for in an heir. Also through the books and records kept by the pure-blood squib families Hadrian was able to show his uncle that all muggle-borns are in fact squib descendents. This caused quite a stir in the wizarding world and many began demanding that all future muggle-borns be found as babies and returned to their bloodlines. Laws were passed to ensure this happened and an influx of children filled wizarding homes. Many lines were actually reestablished through this process. Some complained about not having room for the children of old bloodlines so an orphanage was set up in an old family castle. Nurses and teachers were hired on and the place was transformed into a primary school. Some, like the Blacks, choose not to let their children attend this school and instead kept them home. A manor for the orphans to live in was added on to the property so their living arrangements would not cause difficulties in the primary school. The Black family continued to grow and prosper in the coming years. Marvolo and Hadrian remained inseparable. Hadrian had taken it upon himself to teach his 'Little Volo' everything he knew. On Marvolo's fourth birthday he began showing signs of accidental magic. This occurred one night when Walburga's father was discussing the merits of a betrothal contract between Hadrian and his eldest daughter. Marvolo happened to be playing in the next room and over heard the conversation. A strong burst of magic sent the two men flying into a wall and destroyed the better part of the sitting room. For a long moment nothing happened until Marvolo stomped his way into the room with his eyes glowing an unnatural red. "Hades belongs to me. He is mine and mine alone." He stated calmly standing over his father and cousin. Then in a swift graceful motion he turned and left the room to continue playing with his toys. Sirius and Pollux stared after him for a long moment. "Is it bad that I find myself more proud and in awe of Marvolo for this great feat than I find myself angered?" Sirius asked his nephew, while pulling himself up from the ground. "No uncle, in fact I find I am also quite proud of Marvolo's first bout of accidental magic. Let us hope he continues to grow in strength as the years go by." Sirius nodded, a large mischievous smile spreading across his face. "Should we rope the rest of the family into discussing a marriage contract between the boys?" Pollux frowned. "Uncle I know both boys would be happy with the out come, but what of heirs?" Sirius' eyes lit up as he began explaining a recently developed potion that would allow male wizards to bear children. It was truly a fascinating development and both men soon forgot about the damage created by Marvolo. That was until Hesper arrived home and thoroughly chewed both men out over their carelessness. Later in the year a family meeting was called and all marriage contracts were presented some of the older children who had yet to marry were offered the option of marrying muggle-borns or the twice-blessed, as many began to call them, which they agreed to. Due to the new potion and the lengthy tests, more and more contracts began being made between people of the same gender. The two potions permanently changed the structure of a witch or wizard's body. For example, if a male took the potion he would develop a magical womb that was extremely similar to a woman's, except of course it could disappear at will and utilized the only available opening instead of creating new ones. The female potion on the other hand allowed women to change their reproductive organs into that of a males at will, much like the transformations of a metamorphmagus. It made it easier for wizards and witches to reproduce and allowed them the freedom to choose their partners. Now that the muggle-borns were discovered to be squib descendents there were little to no issues with blood status. In fact a whole new branch of the ministry was formed, for squibs and by squibs. It allowed for an influx of information to be passed into the wizarding world about the muggles so the wizarding world began to develope at a faster rate. A decision was made that only squibs could interact with the muggle world and soon everything changed. Squibs were celebrated instead of hidden away and at the age of five they would be sent to the squib branch daily to go to school in the muggle world. This would continue until they reached 17 and then they would move into the muggle world to start their lives. All squibs were placed under secrecy charms so they could only talk to other squibs about the wizarding world. Many often came back to celebrate holidays with their magical families and would continue the tradition with their future generations. Squibs were not prohibited from marring muggles as it was soon discovered by unspeakables that the influx of new blood every six generations was enough for magic to be returned and the twice-blessed to appear. Squibs who sired twice-blessed followed the same procedure they had. At age five twice-blessed would go to wizarding primary schools and so forth. All holidays for both squibs and twice-blessed were celebrated with the main branch of the wizarding family. With things moving so quickly and wizards being able to marry freely most no longer had marriage contracts. The Blacks were and obvious exception, hence the family meeting. Unlike past meetings children were allowed to voice their opinions and squibs were also allowed to take part. The meeting moved fairly quickly with no problems arising. At the end of the meeting, Sirius brought forth the idea of a contract between the boys. Everyone agreed and the contract was finalized. Upon Marvolo's sixteenth birthday they would be married and a child was to be produced before Marvolo reached 18. With that settled life in the Black house was clam and peaceful. Before they new it they were celebrating the arrival of Hadrian's Hogwarts letter and the deities were preparing for the real battle ahead. Hadrian had enjoyed his six years of freedom, now it was time to go to war.

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