Memories of the Past

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After Harry nodded his agreement, a large stone birdbath like thing was placed in the center for the station by Time. "This, Harry, is what is called a pensive. It allows you to view memories of the past." He said after he had set it down. "Come along child. Let us begin." Fate said as she gently led him to the pensive. The rest all gathered around. "Sweet one. In order to use a pensive, you must place either your face, finger, hand or wand onto the surface of the liquid. Since the seven of us are going, I recommend just your finger." Fortune said from where she stood across from him. Harry nodded, the top of his head almost hitting the edge of the pensive. With a laugh, Life gently lifted him up and placed him on her hip so he could actually see what was inside the pensive. "Ready, Darling?" She asked smiling at him. He nodded. "The first memory we will visit happened around July of 1926. A young woman, abandoned by the husband she had been dosing with love potions arrives at Hogsmeade. Here she meets a man named Aberforth Dumbledore. She tells this man of how she had been abandoned by her husband and that she was currently pregnant. She begs for a place to stay until the birth of her child and promises to be as useful as possible. Aberforth explains that his bar is no place for a woman and takes her to his brother, Albus, in hopes he would be able to get her a job at Hogwarts. A week later Aberforth went to check on the young woman but she had disappeared without a trace and Albus told his brother never to speak of her again. We will be watching what happened to young Merope Riddle née Gaunt after being escorted to Albus Dumbledore's office." Death explained. Life then leaned in to explain what a love potion was and how it affected people before they proceeded. Everyone then placed a finger, in Death's case a bone, into the liquid substance of the pensive. They soon found themselves in an office filled with wispy smoke. Fate explained why it looked like that and that there was in fact no fire. Once everyone was certain Harry understood what was happening the memory began to play. Aberforth had just said goodbye to Merope and Albus after ensuring she was safely seated in front of his brother. "Now, Mrs. Riddle may I ask why you have arrived at Hogwarts?" "Of course Professor Dumbledore. You see I am pregnant and my husband did not react well to the news. He left and my only family are currently in Azkaban. So I came to Hogsmeade looking for work so that I may be able to carry my child to term and raise them afterward. Aberforth was kind and explained that his establishment was not suitable for a pregnant woman, but with my ancestry I could find myself a place here at Hogwarts." Albus raised an eyebrow at the frail looking woman before him. "Your ancestry, Mrs. Riddle?" Merope smiled naively. "Yes, I am one of the last of the Gaunt family. We are descendants of the great Salazar Slytherin. My father and my brother most likely never will have children because I have heard that exposure to Dementors prevents it. So my child will be the last heir of Slytherin." Merope's voice was raspy by the time she finished, almost like she had never spoken for this long. Upon closer inspection Harry discovered that she looked a lot like him in a way. They shared an unnatural paleness and the appearance of a person who has frequently been starved and beaten. She looked frail and desperate, on the verge of giving up hope. This was a look Harry had often seen in the mirror on the rare occasion he was allowed to bathe. Unlike Harry, her hair was a dull muddy brown that was put up haphazardly in a bun and her eyes, almost black in color, looked in opposite directions. Her clothes, like his, were dirty, worn and hung off her small frame. Harry turned his observations to the man in front of her. Despite his poor eyesight, Harry was able to make out how deathly pale Albus had gone as well as the wand he was slowly pulling from on Merope. "Well then, Mrs. Riddle, it seems it is my duty to ensure your filthy blood line ends with you." Albus said in a clam manner with a charming smile on his face. There was no time from Merope to react as numerous spells were cast on her. "What did he do?" Harry asked when they had reached the end of memory, shortly after Albus had ordered a house elf to deliver Merope into the Forbidden Forest. "He cast a spell that would ensure she didn't live through childbirth as the baby would feed off of her magic and life force. He cast compulsions that would force her to walk for hundreds for miles without stopping for food, water, or even to rest. He also bound what little magic she had so she could not use it to aid her. And he used a spell that would ensure her child died at a young age. That last spell was broken when she gave birth using the rest of her magic to ensure her son was protected." Harry nodded. They then went through the memories of Tom Riddle and the abuse and the poisoning of his mind through potions and spells Dumbledore exposed him to throughout his years as a student. They then went through all the memories of what Albus had done to countless other students, shaping them into who he desired them to be with potions, spells and magic bindings. Harry's own parents and his grandparents before them had their magic bound and numerous potions forced into their systems. It was truly horrendous to watch so many children brainwashed and forced to do things they never would have done. "Is that all the memories?" Harry asked after what seemed like days. "Not just yet little one. We will now show you the memories of Albus Dumbledore." Harry nodded as they entered into the pensive once again. Harry watched as Albus grew up in a loving home and how everything changed when his sister was raped and beaten after a bout of accidental magic by some teen boys when she was only six. Then Albus' father be thrown into prison and Kendra Dumbledore begin to teach her son how to hate. They watched his life and that of his siblings all the way up until he murdered his sister and the escape of his lover. They watched as he continued his goals of ruling Britain in a new way, through the poisoning of the wizarding world's youth. They watched as he helped his lover from the shadows only to betray him and use his defeat to take his 'rightful place'. Albus Dumbledore was truly a monster.

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