Hadrian Altair Peverell-Black

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Once the memories were done being viewed Harry was led to a circle of seats where they would discuss what must be done. "Harry there are things that can not be undone, but we are hoping to fix most of what we have shown you. In order to do that we wish to send you back in time. We will give you a new name and provide you with everything you need to live. Your journey will not be an easy one, but we will train you and guide throughout the whole thing." Harry nodded, he understood and there was no way after seeing what that man did to his family that he was just going to let himself die. "So what exactly is going to happen and where will you put me?" Life smiled and she leaned forward. "Darling, we will change your appaerence very slightly and fix your eyesight so that you may fit into the family we are placing you. We can not reverse the damage done to you just yet as we wish for your new family to be devoted to you. Your name will be Hadrian Altair Peverell-Black and you will be the son of two pure-blood squibs, Phineus Black and Mirela Aarav Peverell. Mirela is the last of her line with the name Peverell. Female descendents before her married into the Gaunt, Black and Potter lines respectively. Since you are related to the Gaunts through a squib on your mother's side and the Potters, making you part of the Black family by blood will make you the heir of all three brothers and the Master of Death. Death has stated that your are not to know the true implications of this until you begin Hogwarts. Anyway, Mirela was born in 1892 and married Phineus in 1910. After trying for a while she believed she would never have children. Until she became pregnant roughly ten years into her marriage. We have given you the name she picked out for her son. Both mother and child died during childbirth but we will change the records to make it look like you survived. Phineus was born in 1883 and became ill shortly after Mirela announced her pregnancy. He died only two months after her death. We have arranged it to look like you were taken in by their friend and fellow squib Jonas Bulstrode. We will give you memories of his life in case you are questioned. He was resentful of your magic and this led to his treatment of you. Keep in mind you will keep most of your features with only a little bit of shifting will happen when we change your parentage as you already have Black and Peverell blood. We will of course work in all of your lineage by making you related to the squibs in both your biological mother's and father's families. Once everything is arranged we will go over any new abilities obtained and remove any bind or poison in your system." Harry nodded and they began the slow processes of calling forth the spirits of Mr. and Mrs. Peverell-Black so they could blood adopt him. Both spirits were very eager to have him as their child but were saddened by the fact they were dead and unable to care for him. Fate set about explaining their plans and making sure the dead couple understood everything. Soon Harry was presented with the adoption potion and the ancient ritual of adoption was completed. He got to spend a couple of hours with his new parents as they told him stories of their families and lives before they died. Before too long Death had to escort them back to the afterlife. While he was gone Magic removed anything harmful from Harry's system and unbound his magic. Then she set about giving him a blood test to determine his abilites. They learned he was both a metamorphmagus and a natural multi-animagus. He was also had eidetic memory, a natural gift for the mind arts, parselmagic and, as a gift from Death, the ability to speak all languages. Once his new found abilities were explained they set about discovering his six animal forms. Fate explained that a natural multi-animagus had a form for each element: light, dark, fire, water, earth, and air. For air he was a wedge tailed eagle, fitting given his new middle name. Next he was a fire phoenix, which brought with it extraordinary healing and fire travel. Next they discovered water which ended up being a 3 foot blue-lipped sea krait. For earth he was a friesian stallion and for darkness a shadow panther. Being a shadow panther also gave him a form of shadow travel and the ability to manipulate shadows. For light he was an artic wolf. Because he was a natural animagus he was able to utilize all his traits in human form. For example, he could grow wings, lengthen his fangs, grow claws and even use his venom. Once they had gone through all his abilites and taught him how to use them, they moved on to the memories of his new parents lives and those of Jonas Bulstrode. As it turns out Jonas became a drunk shortly after the passing of his only friends and pseudo family, the Peverell-Blacks. Lost in his grief, a once good many became violent and a bum. He had died from alcohol poisoning in November of 1926 in his home down the street from Wool's orphanage in London. Fortune explained that Harry would be staying at the orphanage long enough for Tom Riddle to be born. They had ensured that Merope had not sold her family heirloom, but instead would give it to Harry for her son. A week after Tom's birth a letter, sent at the request of Phineus Peverell-Black's will in the case that Jonas Bulstrode died, would arrive at the home of Sirius Black II informing him of his early demise and that of all other potential caregivers. It included a inheritance test and explained the continued effort of many squibs who married others in the hopes magic would return to their future generations. The letter included the tests preformed on Hadrian when he was born to gauge his magical core and the same test results of the test preformed by Magic that listed his abilites. It further explained his being left in the care of Jonas Bulstrode a fellow pure-blood squib and that the only reason the letter was sent was due to Jonas' untimely death. It then listed four places Hadrian was likely taken to, all of which were orphanages within a 20 block radius. The letter recommend Wool's orphanage be his first stop as it was closest. The letter ended with a long paragraph pleading with his older brother to raise his son, who magic had blessed, as the a proper child of the house of Black. Before he was taken to the orphanage the deities created a training schedule and explained how to get in contact in case of emergencies. They also told him they would take turns watching him shifts as they had duties to attend to, but they wanted to be there for him every step of the way.

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