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Kaia was almost too sleepy to be excited the next morning before Zyrta came to collect them for the excursion. She, Adya, and Linal snuck out of the dormitory at midnight to discuss their plans. The sun crested the horizon when they flopped back into their beds for a few hours of rest. The only thing they agreed upon was to be flexible. To take opportunities as they found them.  Linal and Adya wanted to go with her, but would stay behind, if it gave Kaia and Franze a better chance of escape.

The four of them waited near the entrance to the Quarters. Adya slouched against a pillar, yawning, while Linal toyed with the belt knife her father brought back from one of the outer provinces. They all wore the pants and tunic uniform of the palace wards. Kaia’s sash was bound tightly around her waist to hide their collective stash of money and small valuables. It pinched if she breathed in too deep. She couldn’t believe how fortunate she was to have such generous friends. People who gave everything they had, not knowing if they would even escape with her. She wouldn’t dare complain about a little discomfort.

Franze pulled Kaia down until he could whisper in her ear. “Can we go now?” He’d taken to acting shy around the other girls, and often wouldn’t speak when they were together.

“Not yet. We’re waiting for Zyrta.”

Franze’s face darkened. “Don’t want to go with him.”

Kaia groaned. He was building up to a tantrum. Just what they needed. “It’ll be fun! Lots of things to see, and I’ll bet there will be animals you can play with.”

“No.” He stuck his lip out.

“I promise he’ll be nice. If you’re a good boy, he’ll even buy you something sweet.”

Franze looked skeptical, but the lip retracted.

Adya put her arm around Linal’s shoulder and grinned. “She’ll poke Zyrta with her knife if he does anything mean to you.”

Linal batted Adya’s arm away, but she nodded. “He won’t hurt you, Franze.”

The guards at the door snapped to attention as Zyrta strode in, a charcoal gray mantle trimmed in gold billowing out behind him. A distinct change from his usual unremarkable clothing. His head had been shaved, leaving only dark stubble, and his face lacked the troubled exhaustion it held since the incident. Kaia hoped that meant good news.

Linal nodded formally to him.

Zyrta returned the gesture with an amused quirk to his lips. “How are you, cousin? I’ve missed hearing about your exploits while your father is away. Have you beaten every member of the Imperial guard yet?”

“Not the ones posted on the border.”

Linal’s reply was so mild, Kaia couldn’t tell if she was joking.  Probably not.

Zyrta raised an eyebrow, but turned to Kaia and Franze. “It is an excellent day to visit the market. Traders from all across the empire have arrived. The kaldar fruit is exceptional this season. And there is a fine breeze from the harbor. ”

“Thank you for taking us. I really appreciate it,” Kaia said.

“I did promise.” A flicker of strain crossed his face, but was quickly replaced by his customary bland expression. “And you must be Adya Ro.” He tilted his head towards the pale Tzitani.

Adya gave a jerky curtsy. “I’ve heard so much about the street market, but only a few trinket vendors are allowed inside. Would you see if we might get a bigger selection, or even arrange for everyone to visit the city regularly? Amdin cried herself to sleep last night when she found out we were going, and she couldn’t. I can’t say I’m sorry for that, she’s an ass, but some of the others would be so grateful. It isn’t healthy for people to be kept in one place all the time. That’s why the Tzitani move around. Do you know how boring it is in the Quarter?”

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