😔🖤 Short Apology 🖤😔

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Pucca's POV

As Pucca runs out of the classroom, she starts to pant as she stops in her tracks as she spots Tobe in the corner of her eye. She walks up to Tobe before he entered his classroom and taps his arm. He turns around only to be greeted by his petite, beautiful girlfriend. Tobe smiles and pats her head gently. The two of them move to the side so the other students can enter.

Pucca: hey!

Tobe: hey shortie.

Pucca: first off, don't call me that. Second, I have great news!

Tobe: oh? What's up, babe.

Pucca: Well, Abyo and Ching were just telling me that we're gonna have a double date tonight.

Tobe: oh shit, tonight?!

Pucca: Yep! Since we're going on that trip later on the day of Valentines. In any case, It's tonight at 8.

Tobe: alright, I think I'll be awake then.

Pucca: what time do you normally sleep in?

Tobe: 9:30.

Pucca: seriously? You sleep a lot earlier than me.

Tobe: really? What time do you normally sleep?

Pucca: 11.

Tobe: oh. Well, you better get going to class.

Pucca: oh shoot, you're right! Okay, Bye Tobe! Love ya!~

Tobe: bye!

And with that, Pucca was gone in a flash. She skipped to her next class, humming a cute tune. As Pucca headed into the classroom, she sat down on her seat and smiled brightly. Shortly after, Garu walks into the room, right once the bell rang. The teacher allowed it since he's a new kid, but gave him a fair warning for it happens next time. He nodded his head in approval and walks over to his seat, which is next to Pucca. The two of them sat there in awkward silence, as Pucca just forgot what she left behind. Wanting to apologize, but not being able to speak, Pucca grabbed a notebook and ripped it out of the notebook as the teacher spoke.

She picks up her favorite pen and writes ever so cautiously, since she's using a tool which mistakes cannot be fixed. Pucca focused on the paper as she wrote what she wanted to say. Once finished, she turned to Garu, who had their head into a textbook, facing away from Pucca's face. Pucca unfortunately was expecting to at least face her way to make this easier. She sighs and taps him into the shoulder. Garu begrudgingly gets his face up straight, and turned his attention to Pucca. Who hands the folded note to him, facing the opposite direction of him. He takes the note and opens it up, curiously awaiting for what's to come.

Garu's POV

As Garu opened the neatly folded note, he questioned whether what this note had in store. His mind wandered to many possibilities, hoping it could be one of them. And as he opens the letter completely, he creased the letter so it's easier to read it clearly. Garu noticed how neat the hand writing is, and what type of paper this was.

It was the type of paper neatly tucked in her backpack, the little diary she had kept in there. He sighs and opens his backpack to find a pencil or pen. Garu was hopefully able to pull out a pencil, though it was quite dull, he didn't care. He examines the note further before he could reply to it. A sigh of relief quickly lets out of his mouth, he smiles for he is thankful that the question wasn't complicated.

 A sigh of relief quickly lets out of his mouth, he smiles for he is thankful that the question wasn't complicated

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(Author's Note: Btw don't steal this lol it's a small sketch, so I doubt someone would.)

Garu puts an "X" onto the the "No" box. He slid the note back to Pucca, who was at the time, writing notes for class. Her full concentration to what the teacher was saying created the fact she didn't notice the note be slipped back to her. Garu sighed and smiled weakly, then turned his head back the other way.

As Garu was twirling the pencil around, he eventually sees Pucca hold the note. He takes a quick glance at her facial expression and smiles brightly. He turned away from her, pretending as if he never saw the beautiful smile, and he smiled as well. Sooner or later, the bell rang and all the students packed their bags and walked out of the classroom for break.

Pucca's POV

As Pucca put her notebooks, pens and pencils, and even the letter, she turned to where Garu was sitting. He was zipping up his backpack when she was looking. Pucca waited til he was done, and the two of them walked out. The walk was silent for awhile, not one of them spoke. Pucca looked at him from time to time, and felt bad for ignoring him.

He's new to the school and hasn't made many friends yet due to lack of talking. She grasps the tip of her nose and takes a deep breath and sighs softly. Eventually, they left the school building but had went into the table, where Pucca's friends were sitting at. Due to the awkwardness, Pucca decided to speak, since Garu couldn't.

Pucca: Hey, so wanna hang with my friends?

Garu: Don't you all hang out separately on Fridays?

Pucca: Oh! Don't worry about that! Though it is true we do that, today's different. It's special!

Garu: I guess I can tag along.

Pucca: Really?? Yay! Perfect!

The two of them grew closer and closer to the group, with Pucca smiling happily. As they got closer, she can hear her friends laugh, she can see their smiling faces. Pucca lets out a small gasp, and a snicker, as she turns away from Garu.

I think I know who to bring.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

So I noticed that I never explained this, but Garu is always holding that small notebook and a pencil or marker in hand. The reasoning is quite simple. To put it simply, he knows people will need to talk to him, and due to the fact he does not talk, he uses a paper.

If the notebook has ran out of pages, he will simply buy a new small notebook. Also, to figure out why it's a SMALL notebook is quite simple actually. It needs to be easy to carry. And males have pockets that can definitely hold a small notebook and a pen, pencil and/or marker.

Anyways that's all I gotta say here for all honesty. I just didn't think I explained that well, haha. I apologize. In any case..
Stay safe, wash your hands, and be cautious of your surroundings.


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