🍜🖤 New Kid 🖤🍜

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No one's POV

Pucca stopped in her tracks, as she was stopped by last period teacher, Mr. Mandel. He told her to stop running in the halls and to walk to class. She sighed roughly and does as told, since she had to. While walking to class, she finally heard the late bell ring. She was 6 minutes late.

Everyone's eyes were at her, and her Art teacher, Mr. Kenobe got up of his seat and told her to sit down. She apologized for being late, and Kenobe excused it. Pucca sighed deeply as she took her seat, all eyes averted from her, except one, Sakura. She sat across from Pucca, glaring her down.

Kenobe: alright students, today since my current life is a mess right now, we will create what we feel.

Kenobe: what I mean by that, I mean express yourself. You can use any medium of art. Weather it is paint, colored pencil, or alcohol based markers.

Kenobe: we will be creating an artwork that represents you, and you alone. What do you feel like right now? Are you tired, sad, happy? Paint what makes you feel that way.

Kenobe: but before you all can get up to get your choice of art medium, let me first say, that we will be using this medium sized double-thick paper. It's multi-purposed. You can use it for paint, watercolor, colored pencil, and even alcohol based markers. Or, if you prefer, charcoal'

Kenobe: and for the second announcement, we have a new kid in our class. Yes it's a tad late in the semester, but he's here nonetheless. Everyone, meet Garu. He can't speak, since he took a vow not to speak. So, if you have any questions, raise your hand. And I will let him write on his little notepad and I will answer all your questions for him!

Garu nodded and waited for people to raise their hands so he could answer their question. Ssoso was the first to raise their hand.

Ssoso: where'd you come from?

Kenobe: he says he was born in Japan! But moved here since this was where he was raised when he was younger.

Random student 1: what's you're favorite color?

Kenobe: he says it's Blue!

Another random student: Are you single?~

Kenobe: He says that he is but has deemed it unnecessary for any female to make the move on him. He prefers if he's the one to make a move.

Random student 3: have you dated before?

Kenobe: he says that's a hard nope.

RS 4: what do you wanna be when you grow up?

Kenobe: he wants to be a professional ninja.

RS 5: Any allergies?

Kenobe: he says nope

RS 6: If he was to change his name, what would he want it to be?

Kenobe: He says probably Zayne or Alec.

RS 7: Least and favorite subject in school?

Kenobe: Least favorite, in his opinion, is Math since he claims it's difficult. And his favorite class is PE since he loves exercising.

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