✈️❤️ Plane Ride ❤️✈️

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Pucca's POV
(The beginning of this chapter will begin where I left off with Garu and Tobe coming over with scars at first.)

As Garu and Tobe walked into the room, there was this uncomfortable silence. I bit my lip as Abyo, Ching, and I watched as the two of them sat down, sitting across from one another, not saying much but having this angry expression on their face. They scoffed, tapping their fingertips on the table. I gulped as I slowly made my way into the kitchen.

Dumpling: Is everything okay Pucca? You seem..startled.

Pucca: I don't know..Garu and Tobe came back with lots of scars.

Dumpling: Really? That's rather worrisome. Did either of them say anything?

Pucca: No..they seem not in the mood to talk right now.

Dumpling: Well, I don't think it's a good idea to prod and force them to speak. They'll talk about it when they want to, if they want to.

Pucca: I'm just gonna grab these pies and hope this calms the tension.

Dumpling: Yeah, go do that. That might help.

Pucca: Thanks for talking to me! I'll go ahead and surprise them with the pies!

Dumpling: That's my girl!

I giggled as I placed the cooled pies onto their own separate plates, placed those plates onto a tray, and then covered them up with cloth for me to carry out there. I hummed as I made my way into the hall and walked towards the table they all sat at. I smiled brightly at them as I placed the mysterious tray down.

Abyo: Oh! The food!

Ching: Ooo? I'm excited to see what it is.

Abyo: Yeah! It smells sooo good!

Tobe: You..baked us all something?

Pucca: Yeah! Of course! Wait how'd you know I baked something rather than cooked it.

Tobe, scoffing: Babe, I know you. When you're super excited about something, you tend to bake more than you do cook.

Pucca: I..I do that?

Ching: Hey..now that you mention it, you're right! She does tend to do that!

Tobe: Right? Now what's this delicious thing you've made for all of us?

Abyo: We gotta hurry it up though! My dad's waiting for us by the airport.

Ching: How are we all getting there?

Abyo: Uhhh..I'll explain later. Food first!

Pucca: Alright! Well..feast your eyes my dear friends!

Pucca lifted up all of the towels that lay dormant covering them up, and then revealed the beautiful, glorious pies that she had created for each of them to devour. Abyo, Ching, Garu and Tobe stared at the small miniature pies in awe, excited to taste them.

Ching: Puc, these look absolutely devine!

Abyo: Damn Pucca, you really know how to bake, don't you?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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