XIX. joke?

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"Everyone is worried." Benni rested her head on the bathroom tub. She called Toby in hopes for him to take her mind off things for a bit. She wasn't shocked that everyone knew, she didn't have the motivation to even muster a conversation. "I can tell them you don't want to talk at the moment."

"That would be slightly better," Benni whispered. She didn't know how long she had been laying in the tub. "Toby, do you think I'm overreacting?"

"What? No!" He reassured her. "Sapnap is your boyfriend and you two are pretty close. It wouldn't make sense that they didn't let you go see him." Benni hummed, smiling at the other voice. At least she knew she wasn't fully wrong.

"Toby," She whispered, sitting up a bit. "I want to run off, no packing bags, no telling anyone and just booking it to Nick's. But I would feel too guilty after."

"Why would you feel guilty?" Toby asked, leaning forward to hear her clearly. "Is it the others or?"

"Yeah." Her voice cracked, making her pause for a bit to breathe. Benni hated how emotional she could be at times. She heard rustling on the other end of the call, peaking her interest.

"Would you like me to play my piano for you? It might help you sleep." Benni almost cried hearing him say that. She went into her room, grabbing her pillow and blanket. Odie looked up from his spot on the bathroom floor to make sure Benni wasn't heading anywhere.

"I probably will fall asleep." Benni fixed up the tub and cuddled into her blanket. She felt Odie jump in, making her smile even more. "Thank you, Toby."



is she okay tubbo?

she's asleep right now
in a tub?
but she's very sad

do you know what happened

she didn't say much but
she really wants to see you
i don't think jaime and alex liked
it that much...

thank you, tubbo

no problem :D

rodney 🦥


i was waiting for this text
'sup nick

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