xv. chaos!

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"Hello, hello, it's been a long time since I have been on the group channel with my own personal videos, so I hope you are all excited!" Benni exclaimed, point her finger at the camera. She laughed a little before straightening herself out. "If you don't know, I went on a twitch dating show called Love or Host." Benni picked up Odie, kissing his little head a couple of times. "And these are the iconic moments from the stream."


"Now, Benni, you have to eliminate one person." Benni looked at the screens, knowing who was the first person she would get out. Pettiness? Maybe but she knew it was a joke at the end of the day. "Send me in your choices."

She sent him her choices, not wanting to think about them for too long. Benni had noticed that the viewers usually liked choices to be made quickly or just not take so long to decide. Either way, it wasn't like she was that interested.

"Let's start with the ladies, Minx, you are safe." Benni smiled at the small cheer Minx did, winking at the camera. "Delilah, you are...safe." Delilah sent a kiss to as well to the screen. "Caprice, you are safe." Benni noticed the worry glances of Nick, knowing that meant the boys were more at risk of leaving. "Moonzy and Niki, you are safe as well. Wow, Benni a bit biased, are we?"

"Listen, it's beautiful women, Austin. I'm sure you understand." Both her and Austin shared a laugh before he continued down the line of who was safe.

"In the bottom three is, Sapnap, Jschlatt and Dream. I need to save one." Nick threw a small smirk, looking down to his phone to text Benni. 'Are you gonna kick me out so soon, loser?' Benni rolled her eyes, paying attention to the screen again. "Dream, you are safe. That leaves Schlatt and Sapnap, the person leaving is Sapnap!"

"Tea!" Karl yelled out, laughing afterwards. Benni smiled, noticing that Nick was smiling as well. At least, she knew he wasn't going to take her decisions seriously now. "I mean what?"

"Benni, explain to us as to why you kicked out sapnap?" Austin asked. Benni cleared his throat, knowing exactly what she was going to say.

"Mamas, ain't as brazy as I thought and that's on jah." Dream began to wheeze in the background as she smiled brightly. "Such a disappointment, ya know."


"Hello darling." Benni fell back dramatically on her desk chair. She held her heart as Caprice laughed a little. "I heard you like to travel and I think England would be a great place for you."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Benni cheered, nodding to every word Caprice said. She watched Minx getting ready to interrupt.

"Benni, we have a better connection. So much better that you have my shirt at your house." Benni's eyes grew wide remembering the twitter reply from a while ago. She heard Karl and Quackity gasp loudly. "Yeah, that's right!"

"Woah, Benni, what do you have to say to that? You have two women fighting for you right now." Benni looked down, giving a tight smile to her lap. She looked up with a serious face.

"Let me just take both of them, please Austin. I can't vote off more women, please!" Benni whined, feeling guilty that Niki, Moonzy and Delilah had suffered their end a long time ago.

"You eliminated almost every guy on here, Benni. You just kept Karl and Quackity!" Austin playfully scolded her. Benni fake cried, wiping her fake tears as well. "You gotta balance the playing field here a bit!"

"I'm gonna say it," Benni took in a deep breath. "Men ain't shit, Austin."


"Tommy, help me buddy." Benni said, resting her cheek on her hand. They had called Tommy in and it was going....swimmingly? "It's either Quackity or Karl."

"Asking them, who they voted for Pog2020 or Swag2020?" Tommy joked. Benni poured, knowing where this was heading. "I am pretty sure we know where this is heading"

"Hey, hey! Don't bring politics into this, Tommy!" Quackity yelled, knowing he was borderline at risk. Tommy ignored him, directing his next comment to Benni.

"He stole our nation, Benni. He is going to steal your heart and just stomp on it." Benni nodded, faking a thinking look. "He will pretend until it isn't needed anymore."

"Sounds like my dad, can't have two men treat me like shit." She heard Rodney yell her name from outside. Benni tried not to laugh and break her character. "You are so wise, Tommyinnit. Have I ever told you that?"


"And the winner of Benni's Love or Host is," Benni looked between Karl and Minx, happy that soon she could just relax for a bit. "The winner is Minx!"

Minx looked at the camera shocked as she got up and yelled. Karl clapped, smiling and cheering as well. Benni smiled, her eyes looking a bit tired. She didn't know what Minx had picked even if she had pestered her over and over again to tell her.

"Minx picked......love!" Benni covered her mouth, trying to muffle her laugh. She loved Minx to pieces and this being one of the reasons. "Benni, what are you gonna do?"

"I am actually really tired but I would love to fall asleep on call with Minx." Benni winked to Minx.

"Hell, yes. Bye, Austin!"


"As you can tell, my Love or Host was a fucking success. I got a girlfriend, that I share with Niki but that doesn't matter because I got a girlfriend." Benni pointed to herself, looking a bit confused. "Either way, it was a nice experience that I will never go on again because I had to go pee the whole fucking time. How do people even do it?"

 How do people even do it?"

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love or host outta of the way
this was the best chapter ive written

also, the quackity fanfic is up if
any of you want to read it :3

have a nice day/night!
stay hydrated!
you are loved!


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