Ding ding ding...

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DING. I jolted upright and that freaking thing almost gave me a heart attack. I shoved my alarm clock of my night table because it lost the right to be there. It's Friday finally. I know I only go to the library on Thursdays but I had to know what kind of things are there. I ditched 5th period and the rest of the numbers and went to the library. I asked for Maria because she is the one who was here last night. "I'm sorry kid she quit this morning." "Why." "I don't know she's been working here for over 20 years and she quit without any reason." "Do you think you could give me her address please ma'am?" She gave me Maria's address and then looked in the distance and went to the backroom slowly. Weird was all I could think of. I looked and there was no one there as usual. Maria lived in a whole another planet. I've never seen this place before. Blue Castle. The sign read as I drove past it. It took me a hour to get here. Schools over and my punishment was that it was school or home that's it. I'm so grounded more. I drove up to Maria's house a pretty blue like the rest of the street but her house was a prettier blue shade. I knocked on the door and saw her head peer the window next to the door. I waved and she unlocked the door. That door must have had 4 locks on it. When it finally flung open there she was sweatpants old t shirt of a band I've never herd of. She was unkempt and her hair was in a messy bun. "Hello what a surprise Ryder!" "Hello ma'am!" "Oh please I ain't that old Ryder call me Maria." "Ok hello Maria." I whispered. "So what brings you in the neighborhood?" "I was wondering why you quit working at the library?" She looked out the window where the car that I drove by a little while ago drove past her house. She looked sad and looked down. "Kid that place has some unearthly things in it. You gonna think I'm crazy." "No I won't honest. I love crazy and scary things." She looked up into my eyes and wouldn't leave them. "I see dark entities in that god forsaken place. They walk right through the walls and stare at the customers. At one point I saw you there. But your eyes were black and your clothes were covered in blood and you had this eerie look on your face that scared the hell out of me and I marched into my boss's office and quit." I was frightened now. I must've looked scared because Maria looked at me funny. "Oh dear I shouldn't have said that last part about you. I'm no medium and I can't tell the future but dear I don't know if they were spirits or what but I had enough of it." "oh" that was all I could say.

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