Ryder Montgomery...

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"Mom I don't want to go to school all they do is bully me!" "I don't care you can't spend another day home your school keeps calling me. Your grades are dropping!" I got dressed put my hair in a messy bun and went downstairs. My father as usual was reading the paper and drinking his coffee. My mother made breakfast, French toast and bacon. After I gobbled my breakfast down I put on my converses and hopped into my car and drove to school. I hate school. They make fun of me for having pink and purple hair or my fashion style is not theirs. It's something everyday. When I got to school I did the usual head straight to my locker to get my geometry book and went to class 10 minutes early. I didn't have many friends to talk to so I just sit at my desk until the final bell rings. Same thing everyday the teacher teaches geometry then class is over then world history. That teacher sucks. She says crazy in front of every word. That class goes by fast I pay no attention because.... its history not my best subject in the world. Let's skip to after school.

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