𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘖𝘯𝘦 𝘠𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘥𝘢𝘺 ▵𝐂𝐡.𝟏𝟎

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We drove out "Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. Land of dreams in there. All I ever wanted to be was an astronaut. Hold those" Simmons said and he took off his pants. I did the mistake of looking "What is that?" I asked talking about his sector 7 thongs 

"What? I wear them when I'm in a funk. So does Giambi, Jeter. It's a baseball thing. Okay. Watches synchronized, sharp mind and empty bladder. You get caught, demand an attorney and don't ever say my name. Okay, take one of these pills. Slip it under your tongue. It's the high-concentrate polymer they put in Oreo cookies. Tricks the polygraph every time. Okay. Now, let's get this show on the road" Simmons said and he tried out a taser

I got my gun and checked it and placed it on the back part of my jeans "Whoa, whoa, no, listen, I can't do this" Leo said "Yes" Simmons said "I'm not some alien bounty hunter, guys. I'm not gonna do this. Guards have guns. I don't want to die" Leo said 

"Kid. Kid. Kid. Kid, kid, kid. You compromise this mission, you are dead to me. Now look into my eyes and tighten up that sphincter". So we hide and Leo did his part Simmons did too and me

I knocked out 2 guard then Simons was pulling Leo "I'm not gonna ask" I said. We ran to Sam "We just downed five guards. Five guards. Get your stuff and get out of here. Get out of-" Simmons said 

"Give me a second here" Sam said "I got to get the tracker, all right" Sam said "Be good" Mikaela said to her robot "I'm claustrophobic" he said.

And the mission began "Look, look. Follow him. Follow him. He knows where he's going... He knows something" Mikaela said "What?" Sam asked 

"He knows something!" I yelled back "You got what I got?" Simmons asked "Yeah" Sam said

"Blackbird" "Ooh, there he is. This guy's a legend, like, like, like the Chairman of the Board! Yo, freshman, point the shard and watch the magic happen" Wheelie said

Sam did the thing and we ran under "Oh shit. It's a Decepticon!" I yelled "Decepticon?" Simmons asked and we ran "Behind the MiG now!" Simmons yelled and we hid 

"Ah. What sort of hideous mausoleum is this? Answer me, pawns and knaves! Show yourselves or suffer my infinite wrath! You little spinal-cord-based organisms! Oof. Oh, bugger it. Behold the eternal glory of... Jetfire! Prepare for remote systems override!" Jetfire said

"I tell you, this guy did not age well" Wheelie said "I don't think he's gonna hurt us" Mikaela said "I command these doors to open! Fire! I said, fire!" Jetfire said and a rocket came out "Whoa whoa whoa!" we all yelled 

"Oh, bollocks! Damn these worthless parts" Jetfire said and walked out "Wait a second!" Sam yelled "ltchy, wretched rust in my arse! Ah!" we ran after him

 "Oh, the museum is going to be very angry. Very angry. We gotta catch that plane" Simmons said "Right. I'm on a mission" Jetfire said "Wait, wait, wait, wait!" we all yelled

He stopped "What do you want?" he asked "Look, we just want to talk!" Sam said "I have no time to talk. I'm on a mission. I'm a mercenary doom-bringer. What planet am I on?"

"Earth" I said "Earth? Terrible name for a planet. Might as well call it dirt. Planet dirt. Tell me, is that robot civil war still going on? Who's winning?" Jetfire asked 

"The Decepticons" Sam said "Well, I change sides to the Autobots" "What do you mean, change sides?" I asked

"It's a choice. It's an intensely personal decision. So much negativity. Who wants to live a life filled with hate?" he said "You mean you don't have to work for those miserable freaking Decepticons?" Wheelie asked 

"If Decepticons had their way, they'd destroy the whole universe" Jetfire said "I'm changing sides. I'm changing sides, too, warrior goddess. Who's your little Autobot?" "Aw, you're cute" Mikaela said

"Name's Wheelie. Yeah. Yeah. Say my name, say my name" and he started to air humping Mikaela leg "What are you allowing to happen to your foot just now?" Sam asked 

"At least he's faithful, Sam" Mikaela said "Yeah, well, he's faithful and he's nude and he's perverted" "Can you just... can you stop?" Sam said and kicked him off

I shook my head it was too cute "Ey, what are you doing?" Wheelie asked "It's just something to think about. I won't argue with... what were you saying?" Sam said "I told you my name was Jetfire! So stop judging me!" Jetfire said 

"Somebody shit the bed this morning" Wheelie said "I have issues of my own, and it started with my mother! My ancestors have been here for centuries. My father, why, he was the wheel! The first wheel. Do you know what he transformed into?" Jetfire asked

"No" Simmons said "Nothing! But he did so with honor! Dignity, damn it!" then his parachute came out which caused him to fall over

We ran over "Oh, bollocks. My boosters are fried. Aww" he said "I think we can help each other. You know things I don't know. I know things you don't know, I do" Sam said "I don't think he knows anything. Honestly, I don't" Leo said I smacked him. 

Sam started to draw the symbols "I could do this all day. It comes in waves, these vivid symbols. They're symbols, but they're in my mind. You see, all this is in my mind and Megatron wants what's in my mind. Him and someone called the Fallen" Sam explained

"The Fallen? I know him. He left me here to rust. The original Decepticon. He's terrible to work for. It's always apocalypse, chaos, crisis. These transcriptions, they were part of my mission, the Fallen's search. I remember now, for the Dagger's Tip, and- and the key" Jetfire said 

"Yeah, wait, slow down. The Dagger's Tip? The key? What are you talking about?" I asked "No time to explain" he said "Wait, wait-" Simmons said "Hold on, everybody! Stay still or you'll die!".

Another Chapter

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